Page 61 of Primal Bonds 1
Lan shook his head. “No, they’re not. Most people think they’re urban legend, but they’re not. Well, I would have believed that, too, until I met one for real. Actually, make that three for real, like in the flesh. They are rare, but they do exist. One thing is for certain, the one who inherits the clan is always an alpha because they are the only one who can control the others under them.”
“But aren’t most of the mafia members human though?” I asked.
Lan nodded. “Yeah, but they still listen to the alphas. I don’t know how it works, but they respect thealpha and love him. All the clan’s members are pro beastkin, meaning they stand for beastkin, care and respect our kind; that’s why we can work easily with them.”
I nodded in understanding. There were people like that, too, huh? Respecting the beastkin.
“Also,” Lan continued. “Master Nolan, my boss, he’s an alpha, too, but he’s more like the number two in the clan, so he’s Master Adam’s right-hand man. Dr. Chase is also an alpha, but he doesn’t like to be in any clan so he’s on the fence and works with all three big clans in New York City. He’s Master Adam’s best buddy.”
“I see,” I said. “But if Adam is the big boss of the Sullivan Clan, how come he’s here and not operating from like a mansion or something?” I asked.
Lan shrugged his shoulders. “He’s currently on sabbatical leave, apparently, and because he’s not at work, Master Nolan is super stressed.”
“But Adam is working though, right?” I asked.
Lan nodded. “Because he got bored not doing anything, I guess. In my opinion, he should be returning to his actual work. A ton of people and beastkin depend on him for survival. His work is very important.”
I guessed Lan was right. Being the big boss of a mafia clan, Adam’s job was very important, with hundreds of people’s livelihood depending on him. But what would happen to me if Adam were to return to his formal life as a mafia boss?
The thought frightened me. One thing was for certain; I wouldn’t be able to fit in anywhere in his life if he were to return.
“So right now,” Lan said, “Master Nolan is currently working on that woman and erasing her memories.”
“What?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
Lan said, “Oh, I forgot to explain. Alphas, they have some sort of special abilities. It comes with being an alpha, naturally. Master Nolan can manipulate and erase memories, so right now, he’s doing that to the woman who saw you. Otherwise, you would be in serious trouble, right? She might call the institute, and Master Adam wouldn’t like that. It would piss him off and we might have to prepare for war or something. So, the only solution is to erase her memories.”
“Oh,” I said. Was that why Nolan turned up? I sighed. Adam would go that far to keep me safe? He’d call in his brother to erase Debra’s memory of me?
He cares. Adam cares.
I groaned, feeling emotions overwhelming me.
“You okay?” Lan asked.
I nodded. “Yeah.”
Wait a second. War? What did Lan mean by war? Just because of me, there might be a war?
I opened my mouth and was about to ask Lan to clarify when a knock came at the door. I shut my mouth again as the door opened and I saw Adam. He said, “All good now,” as he walked into the room.
I sighed and then relaxed.
“Does that mean we can come out?” Lan asked.
Adam chuckled. “Yes.”
“Awesome,” Lan said and merrily hopped off the bed. Then he headed out the door, calling, “Master Nolan? Can we like stay for dinner?”
“Of course we’re staying for dinner,” I heard Nolan mutter darkly. “We deserve at least a meal after I’ve gone out of my way on my day off to come here and fix Adam’s shit.”
Lan burst out laughing. “Yeah, you say that but you were freakin’ happy when Master Adam called you before.”
“Shut up, you little rascal,” Nolan quipped.
Shaking his head in mirth, Adam said, “Those two always get along so well.”
I nodded. “Yeah. Sounds like it. They must have known each other for a long time.”