Page 67 of Primal Bonds 1
Adam said, “I’d rather be safe than sorry, so, Nolan, out with it.”
Nolan shrugged. “Well, since you’re so adamant you won’t go and beat the crap out of an alpha or murder one, then the only thing I found out so far, and might Iadd that it was fucking difficult, in that I had to go to the vault of the beastkin library underground and read old texts.”
“Yes,” Adam said. “We know you hate going there, but get on with it.”
“Yes, yes,” Nolan said. “The very old texts from very dusty old books with fancy medieval handwritten texts state an alpha can obtain life essence from, and you are not going to believe this, an omega.”
“Omega?” Chase asked, frowning. “But I thought they didn’t exist.”
Nolan shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me. But seriously, we alphas are rumored to be merely urban legends, but here we are in blood and flesh, so surely an omega might exist in blood and flesh?”
Adam rubbed his temple. “That is not helpful at all, Nolan. How the fuck are we to find an omega, if they exist, besides the fact that we have no clue what they even look like, assuming they look somewhat different from both beastkin and humans? If their appearance is anything like beastkin or human, then the chance of finding one is next to zero, too, considering there are more than seven billion people in the world. Is that the only lead you have?”
Nolan nodded. “Yes and no, so far anyway.”
Adam took a sip of his wine to ease the pain of the disappointment. Fuck, he had been so optimistic there’d be a few new solutions.
Chase asked, “So if Adam can find himself an omega, and that’s a big if, then what? He’d just have to beat this omega into a pulp and suck their life essence?”
“Nope,” Nolan said. “It doesn’t work that way. Apparently, alphas and omegas life essences are two different entities and you can’t just suck an omega’s life essence off them and expect the alpha’s life essence to magically rise. Apparently, as stated in the weird medieval texts, the Shakespearean style if you must know, of which I had to bleed my brain to translate into layman’s term, an alpha needs to mate with an omega and the omega’s life essence will be transferred to the alpha, and vice versa.”
Chase frowned. He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Wait, I’ve read of this somewhere before.” He tilted his head to one side. “Some beastkin medical texts I read back when I was a student.” He widened his eyes and snapped his fingers. “Back in the old day, and I mean during the medieval period, alphas and omegas were quite common, as in the numbers of population. It’s only in the past few hundred years or so during the war and then the great incursion that beastkin numbers are dwindling.”
“And eventually, we’ll become an endangered race,” Nolan said sourly.
Chase chuckled. “Yeah, well, we’re on the verge of that now, aren’t we? Especially compared to the more than seven billion people living on earth, our numbers are small.”
Adam said, “So back in the hay days, beastkin were common.”
Chase nodded. “Living separately, yet in harmony with the humans. The alphas did not have our current forms. They were in the alpha form, though they didn’tglow with supernatural power or shift into primal form unless during a fight or flight mode. We evolved during the last few hundred years due to the need to survive.”
“And hence, here we are, looking perfectly like humans,” Nolan said. “Our ancestors are smart-ass beastkin. Blend in with the enemy. Hide in plain sight. Except with our alpha genes, we stand out a mile away with our striking looks.”
Chase rubbed his chin as he chuckled. “Strangely enough, Aka doesn’t find me attractive. He told me I’m too scruffy for his liking.”
“Yet, women drool the moment they see you and are only willing to spread their legs out for you,” Nolan said. “Must be the alpha genes working to its full effect.”
“Mm-hmm. Alphas do have strong survival instincts, and most definitely, passing on their genes,” Chase said. “We are just like other species of beasts, showing off how dominant our genes are just to ensure there’s a next generation.”
Nolan said, “Except for our clan, there isn’t going to be a next generation because it looks like Adam is batting for the other team now that Shiro has come into the scene.”
Adam sighed. “We were talking about life essence, so how did it come to me batting for the other team?”
Nolan chuckled. “Because it’s connected, somehow.” He clasped his hands and narrowed his eyes. “It looks like we’ll have to adopt a few alpha kids, Adam, to ensure the Sullivan Clan has a future leader—our protégé, just like Calum adopted us as his protégé.”
Adam stood then and said, “Right, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Anyone care for a cup of coffee?”
“Yes, please,” Nolan said. “If I drink any more wine, I’d be too drunk to go home.”
“Me, too,” Chase said, chuckling.
Adam headed to the door then, leaving Nolan and Chase to discuss further the history of alphas and omegas. He was just entering the living area when he saw Shiro in the kitchen, his face flushed and his eyes bright as he brought out snacks from the cupboard and left them on the countertop.
He asked, “Hungry again already?”
Shiro jolted and stammered, “Lan and Aka want some snacks.”
Just as he said that, Lan popped his head through the living room’s door. “You got the snacks?” he asked. “What’s taking so long?”