Page 78 of Primal Bonds 1
The man beside him snapped, “Silence,” which made Morrison jolt.
Adam came to sit on the sofa and then crossed one leg over the other, his eyes staring intensely at Morrison. Lan leaned himself against the edge of the sofa as he folded his arms across his chest while Nolan went overto Morrison and half sat on the side of the man’s fancy desk.
Again, Morrison stammered, “Who are you people?”
“I’m surprised you don’t already realize who we are,” Nolan said, shrugging his shoulders. “I thought we’re pretty famous. Or rather, infamous.” He turned to Adam and asked, “Aren’t we, dear brother?”
Adam said, “It appears not.”
Nolan tilted his head to one side and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Perhaps we need to be a bit clearer when we do our business operations and leave marks?” He leaned closer until his face was only inches from Morrison. With a dark grin, he continued. “Perhaps we, the Sullivan Clan, need to increase our notoriety even more by…” He left the sentence unfinished to let Morrison’s imagination run wild.
“The Sullivan Clan?” Morrison repeated, his eyes wide in horror.
Nolan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, which freaked Morrison out and he jolted again. A man stepped forward and presented Nolan a black folder. Nolan took it and then placed it on the desk.
Morrison glanced at it nervously and asked, “What’s… What’s that?”
Nolan opened the folder, revealing a contract inside, and slid it toward Morrison. He smiled and then said, “We’re here to kill you and your company, Mr. Morrison.” He paused and chuckled merrily. “Oops, excuse me, I was using the wrong word, which changes the meaning of our intention. I meant to say we’re here tosaveyou and your company, Mr. Morrison.”
Morrison was shaking severely now.
Wrong word? No way a mafia clan was here to save him. Mafia didn’t save anyone. They killed and took over.
Morrison glanced at the contract and then turned to look at Nolan and then Adam. He said, his voice shaky and weak, “You’re fucking kidding me. It’s you people, isn’t it? Doing this to me?”
Nolan said, “Hey, hey, what do you expect from us? Pleasantly shaking your hand while praising filthy rich bastards like you to the world how wonderful and generous you are when all the while you launder money and fuck underage beastkin teens who have no will nor freedom to express their rights? Sorry, Mr. Morrison, but that’s just not our style.” He snickered. “Our style, as you’ve witnessed already, is airing dirty laundry, blackmailing, and…”
Mr. Morrison was red in the face as he tensed, imagining the worst.
Nolan snorted. “Lan?” he called out.
Lan pulled out a tablet from the briefcase and handed it to Nolan, which the man took.
“Perhaps this might help,” Nolan said as he laid the tablet on the desk in front of Morrison. The man stared at Nolan for a moment and then shifted his gaze to the tablet screen. The moment he saw the video of his wife and daughter being held hostage—blindfolded, mouths gagged, and hands tied back—his body shook with fear and horror.
From the distance, Adam said, his voice firm and cold, “You have five minutes. Sign the contract and hand over this drowning company, or…”
Lan clapped his hands loudly, which made Morrison jolt again.
Fifteen minutes later, Adam, Nolan, and Lan walked out of the Morrison building, with the Sullivan men behind them. Businessnegotiationwas done, with Morrison and Co. now under the Sullivan’s control. Within the next couple of days, the stock price of this company would once again magically raise, with the Sullivan owning one hundred percent of the share.
Climbing into the black Mercedes-Benz, Nolan crossed one leg over the other and relaxed back. Opposite him, Adam took out his phone to check his email. There were numerous he needed to reply to.
Hovering at the door, Lan said, “Master Nolan, I’m going to see Shiro and Aka now.”
Nolan turned to the boy and said, “You’re spending way too much time with your friends.”
Lan chuckled. “You said it’s okay.”
“Yes, yes,” Nolan said. “Just get your ass out of here then.”
“All righty,” Lan said and then shut the door.
The car started moving a moment later, and Nolan said, “So, are you moving back to the Sullivan Mansion now that this shit is over?”
Adam put away his phone and looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’m not sure.”