Page 80 of Primal Bonds 1
Adam said darkly, “What the fuck is Luka doing mixing himself with them?”
The gold department of the institute was a secret club for the rich and elite. The members donated millions to the institute and the institute in return provided all the luxury and leisure these exclusive members deserved—five-star accommodations at their various estates across the nation where they could network, share interests, join in the exclusive sports, and of course, access to beautiful beastkin.
Nolan shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me. Luka is fucking hard to understand. Anyway, I knows he fucks some special grade beastkin girls, and when I say special, I mean the omegas because I know an omega when I see one, and nothing seems to happen to him or between them. To me, that spells a missing link, and that, in my opinion, is in the wordsbondandconnection.”
Adam nodded in understanding. “Otherwise, every alpha who mated with an omega would have already turned into a daemon.”
Nolan nodded. “Exactly. I’m sure as a being between beastkin and gods, a daemon would look at least somewhat different from us mere mortal beastkin, and considering how fast words travel in our circles, we’d know bynow if anything like that were to have happened to any of the alphas. And the fact that we have one right here in our circle, being Chase and Aka and nothing seems to happen to either of them, well, it’s a confirmation that there is a missing link.”
The car came to a smooth stop outside a boxing gym, and Adam undid his seat belt. Looking out the window, Nolan said, “You seem to be coming here often in these past weeks. Frustrated or something?”
Adam snorted. “Chase and I planned on having a showdown today. It’s going to be a good workout.”
Nolan chuckled. “Please refrain from beating Chase into a pulp. Aka would be very upset and we need him at the clinic in case shit hits the fan when we do our next business operation.”
“I’ll try,” Adam said and headed out.
It had been one month since I started working night shift at Chase’s clinic doing odd jobs, and a bit more than that since Adam had saved me and took me home with him. It had been my routine that during the day when I wasn’t working, Aka and I would roam the backstreets and deep in the dark alleyways, doing what we do, searching for Kuro. Sometimes Lan would join us, like today, and the three of us would ask anyone we encountered if they had seen Kuro. The search so far had been fruitless, and despite the disappointment we felt with each passing day, none of us were willing to give up.
Now, as the sun started to set, we ended another day of futile searching and started heading toward the subway station. It was home time. I didn’t want to be late since Adam gave me a curfew. Unless I was working, the latest I could be out on the street was ten p.m. It wasn’t like he was my guardian or anything, and I was an adult, since I was eighteen, but Adam was worried aboutme. Growing up without a caring adult to ever worry about my safety, it was nice to have someone like Adam step into that role.
We were walking along the backstreets and were just about to turn a corner into the main street when a black car came to a smooth stop alongside us. Lan halted, which drew Aka’s and my attention.
Lan said, “Master Nolan?”
Indeed, it was Nolan who stepped out of the car. In his dark suit, he looked sleek and immaculate, like usual.
“Hello, boys,” he greeted, chuckling.
“Hi,” Aka and I replied in unison.
Lan asked, “What are you doing here, Master Nolan?”
The man smirked as he reached out and tousled Lan’s hair. “Just passing through. You enjoying your time with your friends, Lan, having neglected your duty to protect me as my bodyguard?”
Lan said, “It’s not like we’re just hanging out. We’re searching for Kuro and you know it.”
“Yes, yes, I know it,” Nolan said, chuckling. “So, where are you three off to now?”
“Home,” I said.
“Hmm…” Nolan tilted his head to one side. “Home, huh? Adam won’t be at the penthouse, Shiro.”
“He won’t?” I asked.
Nolan nodded. “Since you boys are free, care to join me for dinner?”
Aka and I looked at each other, and then we turned to Lan.
Lan said, “Only if there’s a ton of meat on the menu.”
Nolan burst out laughing. “You greedy little wolf. What if I tell you it’s a seafood and steak buffet?”
Lan’s eyes sparkled at hearing the words seafood and steak buffet, and Aka nodded his head furiously. But how could we even get into a buffet restaurant as beastkin? We obviously couldn’t just walk around the restaurant with our caps and masks on.