Page 82 of Primal Bonds 1
Beside me, Nolan said, chuckling, “Adam is not playing nice, is he?”
Adam slammed his fist into Chase’s face, which sent Chase falling onto his back on the floor with a loudthud. Then it was all over and the bell dinged twice. An ear-deafening cheer erupted, followed by a lot of hooting. Up in the ring, Adam grabbed Chase’s hand and pulled his friend up. They were slapping each other on the back and chatting again, as friends do.
Nolan snorted. “He must be that sexually frustrated to go all out like that and coming to the gym so often in the past weeks.” He turned to look at me and asked, “Did you enjoy that, Shiro?”
I swallowed hard and said, “It was… different.”
Lan stiffened and said, “Master Adam is coming over and he looks pissed. Why?”
Aka rushed off over to Chase still in the ring, who was apparently quite shocked to see him showing up out of the blue. Well, I bet Adam was shocked to see us, too, what with that dark frown on his face.
Since I had started living with him over the past month, I rarely saw him with that kind of dark look on his face, and I knew it meant he was pissed about something. Was it because Nolan had brought us here?
Once he was in front of us, I said, “Adam. You were awesome up there. I didn’t know you did boxing.”
Of course, I knew he knew how to fight since he had started teaching me self-defense, which I must say I was pretty good at so far, just learning and mastering the basics. But boxing was a whole different story. Iwondered if he knew other style of fights, too, like mixed martial arts or something?
He took in a deep breath, as if working on calming himself down or something. Then he reached out and patted my hooded head. To Nolan, he said, “What brings you here?”
“To take you to dinner, of course,” Nolan said. “Since we successfully wrapped up our business deal with Mr. Morrison this afternoon, I thought why not celebrate? I’ve invited the boys, too, by the way. The more the merrier.” Turning on his heel, he continued. “Hurry up and get changed. It’s at The Red Velvet. I’ve arranged us a private dining room. Tell Chase to come, too.” To Lan, he said, “Coming, Lan?”
Lan nodded and then followed Nolan out the door.
To Adam, I asked, “Are we going?”
“Do you want to?”
I hesitantly nodded my head. “I’ve never been to a buffet restaurant before,” I said, chuckling.
Adam sighed. “Why do I even ask?”
I pouted. “It’s not like I’d get another chance.”
“You’ll have plenty of opportunity in the future,” he said, grabbing my arm. Then he steered me toward a door along with him.
I wasn’t sure where he was taking me, but I assumed it was the locker room, which it was. And then suddenly, he was stripping himself naked.
Fuck, it wasn’t like I had never seen him naked before. Having lived with him for the past month, I had glimpsed him going about nude now and again, but there was that something different about Adam naked andwith his toned, muscular body dripping with sweat. Damn, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was so beautiful and delicious to look at.
I watched him as he went into the shower, and because I couldn’t help it, I found myself staring at his muscles flexing as he moved about washing himself while the shower water rained down on him, kissing his tanned, smooth skin. The longer I stared at him, the more I was mesmerized, and I felt my heart racing, my body heating up, and my face feeling hot.
Adam was just… beautiful.
I felt myself shaking and my insides down there aching, needing to be filled. Oh, fuck. What the heck was wrong with me? Sure, I was in love with Adam and had fantasized about kissing him and touching him, which I had never wanted to do with other men before and had hated it when other men did those sorts of things to me, but with Adam, it was different. With Adam, I wanted to be ravished by him.
These past few weeks, that feeling and desire was mounting daily, and it was hard not to show just how much I wanted Adam.
I flicked my gaze away from the sight of him, groaning softly.Calm down, Shiro,I told myself.Just calm down.This was no place to fantasize about Adam making love to you.
A few minutes later, Adam turned the shower off. He headed back toward me, a small towel wrapped around his waist. And then he had to go and strip it off again right in front of my face and…
I couldn’t handle it anymore and shot up to my feet. Iwas about to march out when Adam wrapped his hand around my arm, stopping me in my tracks.
“And where do you think you’re going?” he asked.
“I’ll wait outside,” I stammered, my gaze on anything else but him.
“You can wait in here,” he said. “I won’t be long.”