Page 104 of The Main Event
It would be worth it, though. I would prefer living in a Salem shack to being separated from this wonderful new world I’d discovered.
I’d found my place.
That didn’t mean things were going to be easy. I still had a mountain to climb, and it had the name Hunter stamped on it.
“Why are you thinking so hard?” Daisy sounded disgruntled. “It’s not even light out. Go back to bed.”
I sent an adoring smile in her direction as I stroked my hand over her hair. “I have to get up. I’m meeting Jesse at the gym.”
“The gym here? It will take you two minutes to get down there.”
“No. The other gym. I prefer working out there.”
“Because if you work out here the female staff congregates and stares?”
I barked out a laugh. “I’m pretty sure they don’t do that.”
She opened one eye. “Oh, they do. I’ve seen photos of you shirtless. They take them from that window on the east side. Sometimes they have coffee over there and make lewd suggestions about what they want you to do to them. Brittany is all in for spanking by the way.”
My eyebrows hopped. “Is that a fact?”
“Wow.” I shook my head. “Well, I’m flattered, but I’m going to pass.”
Her grin made her even more beautiful despite the bedhead. “Would you spank me?”
“Is that a real request?”
“No. It’s a hypothetical.”
“Well, if you wanted me to spank you, I would. That’s not really my thing.”
“I didn’t figure it was. You’re a little too vanilla for that.”
I dug my fingers into her sides and tickled until she gasped. “You take that back. I’m as black hat as they come.”
“Yes, you’re a regular pirate.” She squealed, causing me to clamp my hand over her mouth.
“These walls are thin. Do you want the people next to us to know what we’re doing?”
She merely shrugged. “I don’t care,” she said around my hand.
Since I didn’t care either, I slid in for a kiss. There was enough tongue that I legitimately considered skipping my gym date with Jesse. I had a lot on my plate for the day, though, andneeded to get it in gear. “What are you dressing up as for the Halloween party?” I asked, catching her wrist before her hand started wandering south.
“That’s what you want to talk about?” Daisy’s disappointment was palpable. “Let’s talk about something else.” She made a growling noise that had my body reacting in a very specific way.
“I’m working out,” I warned her. “I promised Jesse, and I’m a man of my word.” Although if anybody could wear me down and force me to go against my rigid need to be on time, it was Daisy.
“Fine.” The sigh she let loose was long and drawn out. “I have to head back to my place to get ready for work anyway.”
“You could bring some things here so you don’t have to do the walk of shame every morning.”
“Yes, but I hate packing my makeup in a bag, and what happens if I forget underwear or something?”
I arched a brow but didn’t say anything.
She giggled. “It’s fine. It’s only a five-minute walk.”