Page 107 of The Main Event
“Daisy’s family will welcome you with open arms, like my family did for Lux,” Jesse said. “I’ve met all of them. They’re great. They can be your family.”
It was what I wanted. Since meeting Daisy’s family, I’d had coffee with her moms twice and had started exchanging texts with Joe. They were already including me. “My father, when he finds out, he’s going to go after Daisy.”
Jesse’s brow furrowed. “Like … sexually?”
I shook my head. “No. He knows we’re together, though, thanks to Tammy. He’ll prey on Daisy’s insecurities and be as mean as possible in an attempt to get her to break up with me.”
“If he thinks that’s going to work on Daisy, he has another think coming. That girl has spine.”
She did, which was only one of the reasons I loved her. “My father is a master manipulator, though. This is going to get ugly before we hit happily ever after.”
“How are you going to fix it?”
That was a very good question. “I don’t know. I need to figure it out, though.”
“Well, you have time. Just keep your plans to yourself until after Halloween. Then you and Daisy can come up with a plan on how you want to tackle your family. You can do it together.”
That’s what I wanted, so I nodded. “Any ideas on what Daisy might like me to dress up as for Halloween? I want to go big.”
“Oh, really.” Jesse’s expression changed in an instant. “How big?”
I sensed trouble. “I’m not dressing up as a Magic Mike stripper or anything, but if it’s a reasonable suggestion, then I’m willing to take it.”
“Well, you’re in luck. I happen to know exactly what will get Daisy’s heart fluttering.”
“Because I heard her and Lux talking the other day about their dream costumes.”
He had my full attention. “Lay it on me, and don’t leave anything out.”
“My pleasure.”
The party was tonight, and I was a nervous wreck.
Normally, I was fairly calm when it came to parties. I knew things would happen. There would be problems to deal with. This party felt somehow more important, though. This was the party that would show Jax we could do this, that he could do this.
I wanted it to be perfect.
“What are you dressing up as?” I asked Levi. He wasn’t working until that night—as one of our best bartenders, we needed him for what would be our trademark seasonal event—but he’d come over for the walkthrough.
“It’s a surprise,” he replied.
I narrowed my eyes. “You have to wear a shirt.”
He chuckled. “I’m not an idiot. I considered dressing up as Ken—he had some awesome outfits—but that would require a rinse on my hair, and I don’t want to deal with that.”
“Levi.” My voice was stern. “Just tell me.”
“You tell me what you’re dressing up as,” he countered.
I made a sniffing noise. “It’s a surprise.”
“Why can your costume be a surprise and mine can’t?”