Page 117 of The Main Event
“Absolutely not.” Jax was adamant as he shook his head. “We’re taking their money.”
I smirked despite what was obviously turning into a serious situation. “I get that you want to screw them?—”
“No, they’re here to screw me.”
“Okay, you still want to stick it to them.” He couldn’t deny that. “Just … don’t do anything crazy.”
“They’re the ones who are crazy.” He ratcheted it up a notch. “They’re the ones who are going to try to ruin everything we’re working so hard to build.”
I wanted to ask him if that meant he was staying. The question was on the tip of my tongue. Now was not the time, though, I admonished myself. As much as I wanted to hear those words, Jax had other things to deal with. I needed to help him.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked. “Just tell me, and I’ll do it.”
“For now, just get them to a table,” Jax replied. “Get them drinks. They’re going to be snotty regardless, so don’t try to please them.” He gripped my hand. Hard. “Whatever they say, don’t believe it. They’ll try to mess with you mentally.”
“I know what kind of man you are,” I assured him. “There’s nothing they can say to me that will change how I feel about you.”
He cupped the back of my head and swooped in for a big kiss. “Keep it that way. Don’t let them use you. They’ll try to use you as a weapon against me.”
That wasn’t hard to figure out. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to track down the rest of my family. I guarantee they’re trying to dig up dirt from the other workers. They’ll tell the workers they’re my uncle or cousin, and the workers will be torn, unsure what they’re supposed to do. That’s what they want.”
“I think you’re underestimating our workers,” I said. “They’re not just going to start talking business with people they don’t know.”
“I hope so.” He gave me another kiss and pulled away. “I won’t be far. If they say something to you, something nasty, then walk away. They’re jerks. They’re not going to suddenly stop being jerks no matter how nice you are to them.”
I nodded. “Okay. Don’t worry about me, though. I grew up with two moms. I know what jerks look like.”
“I wish you didn’t.” Sincerity shone through his eyes. “I wish you never needed to know a single instance of sadness.”
“That’s not reality, Jax. We know the sadness so we can recognize the happiness. I know a lot more happiness than sadness.”
“I hope so.”
“You make me happy,” I assured him.
That elicited a smile. “You make me happy, too. I just don’t want my parents to ruin that happiness.”
“So, don’t let them. Figure out what they want and take the wind out of their sails.”
He worked his jaw. “That’s a really interesting idea.” He grabbed both sides of my face and smacked a loud kiss against my lips. “That’s an amazing idea actually. I’ll be right back.” With that, he took off toward the lobby, leaving me staring in his wake.
When I finally turned back to his parents, I found them watching me. It wasn’t with interest, though. It was with dangerous intent. I squared my shoulders. Well, if they wanted to play that game, I was more than happy to play it with them. I wouldn’t allow them to destroy all Jax had worked for.
They were terrible parents. I would make them see that.
I led them to a table in the corner that wasn’t too close to the DJ stand. They did not seem like the sort of people who would like loud music blaring in their ears. “How’s this?” I asked.
Jared looked around. “Do you have anything closer to the stage?”
“There is no stage.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s a party, not a fashion show.”
“We have stages at our parties,” he persisted.