Page 71 of The Main Event
I turned my back to her, and it felt like a monumental feat. I made it one step before she called out my name. I turned back so fast I risked whiplash.
“Is something wrong?” I demanded. “Are you okay?”
She was breathing hard when I arrived in front of her. “I think I’m probably losing my mind,” she said.
I didn’t have to ask why. I was right there with her. “Me, too.”
“I have to, though. It’s like something is making me do this.”
Confused now, I arched an eyebrow. “Do what?”
She grabbed the front of my shirt before I could figure out what she was going to do. My mouth went to hers automatically, and the fireworks that had been detonating in the back of my mind reached their crescendo.
Her mouth was warm, her lips pillowy, and I had no intention of ending this kiss this time. It could go on forever as far as I was concerned. My hands found her narrow hips, and I squeezed before wrapping my arms around her back and sliding my tongue into her mouth.
She gasped and reciprocated, her hands clutching my shirt tighter.
“This is probably a mistake.” She looked a little drunk as she pulled back. Then, to my surprise, she kicked her door open withenough force to have the glass rattling. “I can’t seem to make myself care right now, though.”
I was right there with her. “Are you inviting me up?”
Her lips were red and swollen when she nodded. “Yup.”
“Then I’m accepting.” I took her hand and ushered her inside before me. I considered throwing her over my shoulder and carrying her upstairs so we would get there faster, but I wasn’t certain I could make the climb without exploding all over the place. “Show me your place.”
There was innuendo flying in every direction.
Her lashes were heavy as she stared at me through them. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“I believe you just read my mind.”
Surfacing the next morning was like swimming through pea soup. I was warm, cocooned in safety and happiness. Then I heard the light snoring in my ear, and my eyes snapped open.
Jax was spooned behind me, his cheek resting on my shoulder. I could feel every blade of his morning stubble, and it caused tingles to rush through my body.
A series of images flashed through my head. We hadn’t even made it out of the living room for the first round. Then we’d decided to eat something—I only had eggs and a bag of shredded hash browns because I didn’t eat at home very often—and the next round happened in the kitchen. We were like feverish animals. Finally, we made it into the bedroom, where I was convinced we would sleep. That didn’t happen for another hour. Then, in the middle of the night, I reached for him without realizing it, and we went for it again.
Never in my entire life had I felt such a connection. There were times when I couldn’t figure out where I ended and he began. When I’d been with men before—not a lot, but enough to know what I liked—I’d always found the first encounterawkward and frustrating. Things almost always got better after that, but Jax and I started out firing on all cylinders. After the round on the living room floor, I didn’t think things could get better.
I was wrong.
I shifted in his arms so I could study his face. He was unguarded in sleep, no lines of concentration causing him to look serious. His lips curved in such a way that it almost looked as if he was smiling. His breathing didn’t shift, so I knew he was still out, but his hands moved around my waist all the same and tugged me back to him.
With my heart pressed to the spot next to his heart, I allowed the steady thump to lull me. I dozed again—we’d only managed a few hours of solid sleep—and when I opened my eyes a second time, he was awake.
His body was still soft and pliant next to mine, his fingers lazily trailing up and down my spine. His gaze was on me when I tilted up my chin.
“Morning.” His voice was husky.
“Morning.” My cheeks suddenly felt hot under his studied gaze. “So … how are things?”
He broke into a wide grin. “Things are great. How are things with you?”