Page 89 of All Bets Are Off
“I have no idea what a doily is, but knock yourself out.” He gave me a hard kiss. “Promise me.”
“I promise.” I would follow through because I wasn’t about to lie to him. “However, if I’m going to do this, I think I should be able to earn points with Tallulah in the process.”
His eyes narrowed, suspicion lining his features. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, instead of me calling for a limo, what if my husband—my big, strong, handsome husband—were to arrange for a limo to take us there and pick us up? Tallulah will go nuts for a limo.”
He didn’t even think about his answer. “Done.”
“Really?” I went a little giddy. “That’s kind of sweet.”
“It’s only because you called me handsome. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I gripped the front of his shirt as I twisted. “I don’t have to be ready to leave for two hours. Do you want to show me how handsome you are in the bedroom before I have to hit the shower?”
His grin was wolfish. “You read my mind.”
As predicted, Tallulah had been thrilled when she realized we were taking a limo to our destination. She was dressed to the nines and ready to find someone to spark with. One look at the bar—which had a very specific ambiance—and she was happy with her choice.
“Such a good night,” she reiterated.
All I could do was shake my head. When Tallulah got excited about something, there was no talking her down. “Let’s get a table.” I stopped at the hostess stand. “Two,” I said to her.
She glanced up. “Mrs. Stone, right?” she prodded.
I was caught off guard. “What?”
“She’s Mrs. Stone,” Tallulah confirmed. “Why? Were you expecting a Mrs. Stone?”
“Yes. Mr. Stone called thirty minutes ago and told us to give you the full treatment. We have a table for you in the speakeasy.”
I froze. The speakeasy portion of the bar—which was actually on the other side of a huge bank door—was extremely difficult to get access to. You had to know someone or be high on a casino host’s “get” list to get a table on that side on short notice.
“You have a table in the speakeasy for us?” I asked dumbly.
“Awesome.” Tallulah pumped her fist.
The hostess nodded, as if I was asking a stupid question. “Right this way.” She motioned for us to follow her.
It was like walking into a different world when we crossed the threshold. The bar looked like something out of a western and there was curious art on the wall.
“If you don’t roll Zach for this, I’m going to,” Tallulah warned as we got comfortable at our table.
I slid a glance her way. I hadn’t told her about the sex yet. I wasn’t keeping it from her as much as I was … well, keeping it to myself. At first I wasn’t certain if it would be a one-time thing. Then I wondered if it would last beyond a week. We were over a month now, though, and it obviously wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. Now seemed like the time to tell her.
“I’ll probably roll him hard when I get home,” I replied, watching her carefully for her response.
She looked up, her face impassive. “What?”
“I’ll probably roll him,” I repeated. When she didn’t respond, I sighed. “Have sex. We’re going to have sex tonight regardless. We always do. We’ve been having sex for more than five weeks at this point.”
Slowly, a grin spread across her face. “I know. I was just wondering if you would finally admit it. I’ve known almost the whole time, though.”
My mouth fell open. “How can you possibly know?”
Tallulah laughed again. “Girlfriend, you glow.”