Page 100 of Darkness Falls
"It's cute that you let yourself believe that." I laugh in her face.
"You've got a lot to say for a man who's aboutto die at the hands of a woman. You should also be wary about wanting my men to come in here. They have been very vocal about wanting to pay you back for all the things you did to hurt me."
"They can't do shit," I spit. I'm not going to let her get to me. Words are just words at the end of the day, and she hasn't done anything to back them up yet. I don't have anything to worry about. Rogue will find me. She will try to drag this out long enough for them to find me, and then I'll end all of this for good.
"I can see the gears turning in your mind." She walks over to the cart to grab something I'm not able to see before stepping in front of me.
I look down at the piece of metal in her hand, along with something else, but I immediately recognize the metal. When she sees me looking down, she holds it up to reveal the brand with Rogue's symbol on it. I'm not sure how she got a hold of one of these or what she would even need it for.
"This brand was forced on me by my father when I was just a kid. You're so proud of Rogue and everything it stands for." She drops the metal to the floor and reveals the other item she was holding. A knife. "I think maybe I should cut it off of you."
I start laughing hysterically because there's no way fucking Callie is ever going to cut me. She narrows her eyes slightly and tilts her head to the side like she knows what I'm thinking before she closes the distance between us.
She eyes the small brand on my left wrist and lowers the knife before turning on her heels to walk out of the room. I knew she wasn'tgoing to follow through with it. Women always like to throw empty threats at men for no fucking reason.
A few minutes go by, and the door swings open again. This time, Callie isn't alone. There's a blonde guy with her. I have no clue which one of the brothers this is, but his presence can’t be good for me. The blonde guy moves behind me, and I get a little bit nervous. My eyes meet Callie's again, and she stands there looking full of herself.
Out of nowhere, I fall to the floor, my bound arms landing above my head. I try to pull myself up, but my body has been hanging for so long that I have no control over it. The door opens again, and another one of the brothers brings in a chair that he sets next to me.
Before I know what's happening, I'm hoisted up and thrown into the chair. I try to bring my arms up to push them away from me, but my useless fucking muscles won’t cooperate, and it pisses me off. A rope is wrapped around my chest and upper arms, and my top half is secured to the chair. I try to kick and make contact with one of the brothers, who only smiles at me.
"Do it again, you piece of shit. I like pain. It'll get me nice and turned on before I fuck my girl." He says that like it's supposed to make me feel something.
"Barrett," she warns, and he takes a step away from me.
The blonde man zip-ties one of my legs to the chair before walking to the other side and grabbing the other to do the same, and then he disappears behind me again. Here I am at their whim once again.
The power she has over these men ispathetic. They claim to be hardened criminals, but they let one woman control them all. It doesn't make any sense because she's really not that special.
"Come on, princess. Just let me have a little go at him," the one that I kicked says, and she rolls her eyes.
"You can have time with him after me. Wait your damn turn, and remember you're not allowed to kill him." She walks over to kiss him, and he grabs the back of her neck to deepen it.
It's like they don't give a shit about anyone else watching them. It makes me sick that she would willingly slut herself out like that. "Your husband is sitting right here, and yet you still slut yourself out," I seethe. I can't help the words from slipping from my mouth even though I know it likely won't help the position I'm currently in. I don’t care about her, but I’ll never resist the chance to make her feel like a useless slut.
I feel someone slap the back of my head and look up to see the blonde one glaring down at me. "Don't talk about my fucking girl like that."
The other one leans down to whisper something in her ear, and I see her body shiver before she nods, and he leaves the room. She takes a step toward me, and I try to shake my way out of the binds with no success.
"Now, where were we?" She smiles, holding the knife in front of my face for me to see.
There's no fucking way she's going to go through with this. I won't let a fucking woman be the end of me. "You're too weak," I grit.
"That's whereyou're wrong. I wasn't strong enough to end my father, but with you, I won't make that same mistake. This will be long and drawn out, and you will feel every ounce of pain I felt when I had to suffer at the compound every day."
“You useless fucking bitch,” I grit out.
"Ky," she says, and he comes over to hold my hands down on my lap. The ropes were secured above my elbows, so I was still able to move the bottom halves of my arms a bit until now.
"Stay still. My girl has something she needs to do." He smiles down at me like a psychopath.
"What the fuck?!" I scream as I feel the knife dragging across the skin on my forearm.
"Hold still," she says while she cuts at the skin. "You should also know that Rogue is gone. We blew up the entire compound. The group of men that you're hoping will come rescue you won’t. You and Seb are the last two left." She laughs, but I can't believe her words.
"No," I breathe out.
"Yes, and that little team you had in town here is also gone, so don’t count on them either."