Page 44 of Darkness Falls
Austin has seen better days. His hair is gray and shaggy like the man doesn't own a comb. You would think being a well-known judge would encourage him to take care of his looks, but he doesn't seem to give a fuck. I believe he's in his late 60s, but I'm not positive because I never cared to ask. I sure as fuck don't care to ask now.
He’s the only council member I think I can lean on, though.
"I need your help with a few things, and since you and Gabriel had such a close relationship, I trust you will keep whatever is said in this office between the two of us."
"Of course. How's Callie doing?"
"I didn't bring you here to talk about my wife. We have a problem," I say through gritted teeth.
"What sort of problem are we talking about?" Austin looks confused, his eyebrows drawn together.
"Soren has disappeared, and I need to find someone with a similar skill set. Any suggestions?"
"I may have someone in mind. I’ll reach out and have them contact you. It may take a day or two, though."
I don't really have the luxury of time right now, but if that's what I need to do in order to put all this behind me, then I guess I have no choice. As long as I know I'll have someone who can access what I need, I can still move forward with my plans. Gabriel'sfuneral is set for tomorrow, and it will be the perfect time to suggest Callie is his murderer.
"Thank you, Austin. Please let me know as soon as you find out. It would be best if you could have your contact meet me here on the compound as well. I’m assuming they are a member of Rouge? This would be a permanent position we are looking to fill."
"Of course they are, I'll let them know. If that's all you need, I have something I have to address this afternoon," he tells me before standing to walk toward the door.
"That's all. Thank you for popping in on short notice."
He nods and walks out without saying anything further. I don't trust him. This all needs to be handled perfectly, or everything will be ruined. I grab the aged whiskey from one of Gabriel’s drawers and pour myself a glass while enjoying my newfound empire. The amber liquid burns as I gulp down two glasses before sipping on the third. I have no clue how tomorrow is going to go, and it's stressing me the fuck out.
The small mausoleum dedicated to the leaders of Rogue is on the far side of the compound behind a small field. Outside, people gather around in groups as they wait for the event to begin. After the funeral, I'll call a council meeting to officially try to take control of the society.
When a leader dies, there are rituals that must be performed in order for the new leader to take control. Callie hasn't been readily available on the compound; she hasn't been able to complete the rituals, so in theory, Rogue has no leader at the moment. It's mine for the taking. I am the logical choice, being that I am her husband.
I step up to the podium to take my moment in the spotlight and clear my throat. "Thank you all for gathering together to mourn a loss to this great community, Gabriel Ashford. You may notice Callie and Natasha are not in attendance today. I know this may arouse questions, but let's focus on recognizing the life of our great and fearless leader for now."
I watch as everyone mutters quietly under their breath. They’re curious why my precious wife and her mother would miss this. I'm going to tell them the truth as soon as I can. Callie was the one to kill her father. I don't have the video proof yet. She had to be involved somehow. Her and her mother disappearing will only corroborate my story if I'm not able to get the video footage right away.
I can guarantee she ran right back to the fucking Monroe brothers to spread her legs for them like a whore. Rogue will be mine, and Callie will be back in my arms soon enough. When she is, I'll deal with her however I like. I think I'll keep her as a toy to use until she gives me a son; that might be fun. A sadistic grin slowly pulls at the corners of my lips, and I have to force myself to keep my face blank. This is supposed to be a sad event, after all.
Pastor John takesmy place on the podium and begins the whole ceremony. I'm lost in my thoughts as the day drags on. Minute by minute, I find myself getting antsy and bored. I look over to see the wives crying and their husbands consoling them. I roll my eyes just as the pastor finishes up whatever he is saying and tells the crowd the funeral has come to an end.
It's showtime.
We organized a small informal meal for everyone in the main hall. Attendance is not required, but the council figured it would be a nice way to pull the community together during these trying times. I didn't disagree.
I watch as the crowd moves from the funeral space toward the hall where I was married less than a week ago. I find myself walking along with them, nodding as they glance my way. I've gotten so good at playing the nice guy that it's almost too easy.
Upon entry, I take my seat at the table assigned for the council and glance around. The room is set up with tables all around and a giant buffet-style table in the center. I look around at the members of the community who have entered with tear-filled eyes, and I want to laugh. None of these people knew Gabriel’s true nature. If they did, they wouldn't be shedding tears for him.
Once all the council members have found their place at the table, I clear my throat to gather their attention. "I think we need to hold a formal meeting after everyone is done eating. There are some pressing matters that need to be addressed."
They all nod in agreement, and I wait patiently for this stupid meal to be over so I can convince them to give me the titleI deserve. I take this time to plan it all out in my head while smiling and waving at everyone in the room. I am their perfect shoulder to cry on. I am the one who will give them comfort in this dark time. Smile and wave.
When the meal finally ends, the council members and I excuse ourselves from the main room and walk toward the meeting room deeper into the building. We go down a few sets of stairs and meander through a couple hallways before entering. Once everyone takes a seat, they all look at me.
"Damien, where are Callie and Natasha? They should have been in attendance," one of the council members speaks out.
Stupid fucks are always too impatient. I was getting to that; all they had to do was give me a minute. "That's the reason I've requested this meeting. I was hoping to give my wife some time to make her presence known on her own, but with her not showing up today, I'm afraid I have no choice but to confess what I know."
Austin looks at me with suspicious eyes but nods at me. "And what's that?"