Page 6 of Darkness Falls
"Yeah, but I hurt you."
"I should be thanking you. You know I love the pain." I smirked.
She shoved me playfully, so I reached out to grab her wrists and pulled her into my chest. My arms wrapped around her, and Iheld her there, just looking down at her for a few moments before she finally broke the silence.
"Barrett," she whispered.
"Yes, princess?"
"I think we should be done with our gym session for the day."
"And why is that?" I questioned.
"Umm. Well…"
I slid my hands down to grab both of her ass cheeks and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Are you feeling like a dirty little slut again? Do you need me to take care of that for you?"
She let out a breath as I bit down on her earlobe, sending shivers through her entire body. Her arms reached up to wrap around my neck, anchoring herself to me. I lifted her up by her ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around me, and walked us to the closest wall before slamming her back against it. She gasped at the impact, and I leaned in to devour her mouth with mine, catching every kiss she was willing to give. I bit down on her lip with enough pressure to make it bleed before leaning in to lick the blood from it, savoring the coppery tang that permeated my taste buds.
I kissed the length of her neck, watching as she moaned with every single nip and bite. I loved that, with me, she was so responsive with such little effort. I took a moment to glance around the gym to see what I had at my disposal to use on her before carrying her over to the weight bench and placing her down on it.
"Be a good slut for me and strip. I have plans for you," I told her with a wicked grin.
"Barrett, let's justgo upstairs," she said while taking off all her clothes.
"Always talking so much. If we go upstairs, I'll have to gag that gorgeous mouth of yours. Is that what you want, princess? Do you want me to tie you up, gag you, and fuck you senseless? Maybe I should grab my knife. We had fun with that last time."
Her eyes lit up with lust, and I knew the answer to that without her even saying anything. I abandoned my original plan to use the resistance bands to tie her to the weight bench and made a mental note to make sure to place a few toys in every room of the house for future moments like this.
Before she could protest, I bent down, threw her naked body over my shoulder, and sauntered out of the gym. She pushed up on my back to try to keep herself from flopping around, and I smacked her ass.
"Quit wiggling," I said, but she didn't stop, so I smacked her ass again. I knew it was most likely turning the faintest shade of pink, and my cock was hard just thinking about it.
When we walked past the lounge room, Ky looked up, locking eyes with me.
"Can I come too?" he yelled out, but I kept walking past the room to go upstairs. "Hey!" he yelled again.
"No," I said firmly. Callie was giggling over my shoulder, and the sound of her laughing was like a melody to my damaged soul.
"Come on, just let me watch, at least? You won't even know I'm there."
"Fuck off, Ky. Take your puppydog shit somewhere else. I've got plans for our girl."
"You need to learn how to share," he said.
"Come on, Barrett, can't you share me with Ky?" she suggested, and I slapped her ass two more times.
"You can't prance her around here naked and expect me to not want to join," Kyler said while trailing behind us. This fucker wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"Fine. You can watch from the corner until I decide whether or not you can participate," I told him, turning briefly to look at him before walking into my room. "Keep your opinions to yourself."
He looked at her reddened ass, and his eyes lit up with desire before making a movement across his mouth to indicate his lips were zipped shut. Ignoring him, I tossed her on the bed. She looked up at me and then over to him with nothing but pure burning desire.
I slam my fist down on my desk and shut off the feeds. Watching these memories with her hurts, and not in a pleasurable sort of way. Ever since she was taken from us, I haven't been able to find pleasure in anything. This is a different kind of pain, and it’s one that I’m not fond of.
I let out a sigh and dive back into my work. Seb needs to know about my conversation with Soren and the new development about Julian being Damien.
I start compiling new identities for Soren and his wife. The sooner all the details are in place, the sooner Callie will be back in my arms. I'll finally be able to feel something again besidesthe panic that's eating at me. I remind myself that I just need to keep control a little longer, for Callie.