Page 61 of Darkness Falls
When I finally stop laughing, I wipe the tears from my face and clear my throat. "I just found out someone I met by chance a year and a half ago is actually my sister."
"And that's a bad thing?"
"It's so complicated."
"Want to talk about it? I'm sworn to secrecy. You know, attorney-client privilege and all that."
I take a moment to actually consider this. It may be helpful to get it off my chest, and I don't have to tell her anything about Rogue. I could leave those details out.
"Well, for starters, she thinks her biological parents died in a house fire when she was a baby. Turns out they were alive the entire time. My parents thought she died in that same house fire, but she was actually stolen by a really bad man and raised by another couple as their child. You see why this is all kinds of hysterical."
"Huh. I'm actually at a loss for words."
Now I get to live with not only the guilt of my parents dying and me not spending time with them beforehand but also thefact that Callie, my best friend, my sister, will never get to meet them. How the hell am I even supposed to tell her about this?
I'm so angry at my parents right now for doing this. They should have told me the truth when they were alive. We never kept secrets from one another. If I knew the truth, everything could be different. I could have told them I already knew about Rogue because of Callie. Maybe they would have put the pieces together and figured out she was their daughter before Natasha confessed everything.
Reese eyes me cautiously as she pulls up a chair next to me. "Is there anything else?"
She seems suspicious, and it’s weird and off-putting. "No offense, but I don't know you, and I don't feel like confessing all my dark family secrets to you."
"I recognize the symbol on the box. It's the same one my mother warned me about."
I glance over to look at the raven on the box. I didn't even notice it before, but it looks exactly like the brand Callie has. I narrow my eyes. "What do you know about the symbol?"
"I know it’s for a group of people who refer to themselves as Rogue."
"You're not supposed to know that." Instantly, I become defensive and push the chair out from under me. "Are you one of them?"
"Woah, calm your crazy. I'm not part of them. My father was apparently a member. Your mom and dad helped my mom when she found out she was pregnant with me. She didn't want my father to know.They set her up in this house and gave her some money so she could get a fresh start on her own."
"My parents seemed to be experts in keeping secrets," I say as I let anger consume me.
I shouldn't be upset with them, considering they aren't here to defend themselves, but so much could have been prevented had they just let me in. I look at Reese and find her staring intently at me.
"Do you have somewhere you need to be? I can grab you a drink, and we can figure all of this out if you want? It sounds like you need someone to talk to," she says as she stands and walks over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen. I don't miss the way her eyes roam over my body.
I smirk and shoot my shot because you never really know how people will react until you lay it out there. I'm not in the mood to talk, but I wouldn’t mind having someone to drown myself in. She might be the perfect person to give me that.
I sandwich her between me and the counter. "I really don't want to talk, but if you're offering up your services, I think I might be able to use you another way."
She raises a brow, and her eyes flick down to my lips for the briefest second. I knew it! Before she can say anything, I grab her by the back of the neck and press her lips to mine. She gasps, granting me more access before her hands reach out to grip my waist. She tastes like spearmint, and I moan against her soft lips.
The kiss deepens, and she pulls my pelvis toward hers. Our chests press together while I use my free hand to reach around and grab herass. All thoughts of why I'm here fly from my mind as I let my lust for her overwhelm me. She bites down on my lip before sucking on it, and I almost rip her clothes off of her right here and now.
"More," I counter as she pulls away from me.
"I don't think you can handle what I would do to you, firecracker," she whispers in my ear before biting down on my earlobe.
"Do your worst, sweets," I tease.
Her lips are back on mine in a second, and my hand finds the zipper on the side of her skirt. I slide it down and slip my hand inside to glide across her backside. Everything about her is so soft. It's one of the things I love the most about women.
She pulls her lips from mine and moves to my neck, sliding her tongue across my skin before biting down lightly. I whimper over the electric sensation shooting through me.
When I grab the waistband of her skirt to shimmy it off of her, she aids me in the process by swaying her hips back and forth. Once it's off, I trail my hand up her stomach and under her shirt. I pull the cup of her bra down and squeeze her breast tightly in my palm as she moans into my neck, confirming she is just as turned on right now as I am.
She pulls back and eyes me, taking quick breaths before grabbing my hand to lead me down a small hallway and into a dark room. Once inside, I’m pushed backward until my knees hit the edge of something soft, and I fall onto what feels like bedding.