Page 5 of Celestia, Year Four
When I woke from the darkness, my body was scorching hot. It was as if there was a fire burning inside me, trying to turn me to ash from the inside out.
I was in pain. It hurt, and it contributed to my involuntary whimpers and moans.
Help… so hot.
I tried to move or open my eyes, but there was no use. I felt drained, like I didn't have a shred of energy inside me. I needed help, but my words couldn't escape my lips because I was too exhausted to force them out.
Help me.
My body was still floating, the endless motion holding up to its name, but I wished it would return to the cold safe place. This heat would kill me if it continued for much longer, but there was no one to help put it out.
Help me!
The words echoed in my head, and alas, did nothing to aid in the growing heat that was contributing to my wavering consciousness.
I'm going to die… alone?
Even though my body felt like it was burning from the inside out, the thought of dying alone resonated within me.
It made me feel sad, and my frantic mind was doing everything in its power to aid me on our quest to stop the internal flame that would lead to my unavoidable death if I didn't think fast enough.
A name came to my mind, and without hesitation, I fought with all my might to scream the single word.
Almost immediately, the intense inferno began to dim inside me, and I groaned in relief, feeling even more drained than before.
The floating continued, but it was the least of my misery. To be honest, it was calming, aiding in my sudden desire for comfort.
The floating movement was predictable; a downward descent that never changed.
My mind, body, and soul could handle that, and right now it was helping me move closer and closer to the darkness that would bring me back to the dreams I was curious about.
The memories were far better than what I'd almost died from. A whimper left my lips then, and I wondered if I was crying. It wasn't like I could feel it, but if I was, no one would hear me.
No one would care.
"Keep fighting, my Queen. Just a little longer."
The voice that spoke left me speechless and curious. I didn't know who he was, but his words were exactly what I needed. Like a bucket of ice cold water being poured down my body and cooling me off.
Whoever spoke, I was thankful to them. They were the reason I could finally sleep.
Thank you...
"Our Queen. Prince of Light is here to see you."
I sighed and gave my guard a kind smile. "He knows he can enter without my permission but thank you. Please allow his entry."
The guard nodded and hastily moved towards the gold metallic doors of my throne room. Opening the door, the guards at attention turned to face my guest as he walked in.
With a quick flick of my wrists, the two guards standing at the door bowed and moved outside to give us privacy.