Page 11 of Knot a Bad Idea
This isn’t the Donovan I know.
“Say that about her one more time,” I warn, standing toe to toe with him. “And I’ll knock your teeth out.”
“Uh, guys?” a nervous voice calls.
We both turn to see Liam standing in the entryway, his eyes wide. “Everything okay?”
Donovan hesitates, and I take the opportunity to shove him. He barely stumbles, but the look in his eyes has gone from empty to murderous.
“Get your shit together,” I hiss at him before turning to head out of the kitchen, leaving a bewildered and concerned Liam behind.
I want some time with my girl.
April’s door is cracked,never shut.
Never locked.
I learned that shit the hard way, and I wonder what Donovan would do if I just removed all the doors from the house.
My girl doesn’t like doors, so I don’t fuck with them either now.
Though it might make for an awkward bathroom situation…
I knock on the cracked door, and she answers with a “come in.”
I swing the door the rest of the way open and take her in.
Yes, it’s only been a few hours since I’ve seen her, but it feels like ages.
She’s dressed in jeans and a black top, and her hair is pulled into a messy bun as she sits on the bed, reading.
My cock twitches.
“What are you up to, gorgeous?” I ask, and she snorts and rolls her eyes.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the pet names,” she murmurs. “You know you don’t have to use those, right?”
The bed dips with my weight as I join her, the urge to undo that bun and fist my hand in her hair overwhelming me. “Which ones? Baby, sweetheart, gorgeous…I’m sure I could add a few more,” I smirk, and her face flushes a delicious pink. With her hair up, her mating gland is on display, and I wonder how bad the consequences would be if I just bit her now.
Donovan would have to deal with it. Liam would be ecstatic, and I just know she would love it, too?—
“Did you come in here to stare at me, or was there something you wanted?” She cocks an eyebrow, and I scowl at her.
“Smartass,” I quip, reaching up to tug at that tempting bun. She jerks at my touch, and I grin wickedly. “No, there is something I want.”
“And what’s that?”
Besides tying you to me forever? Not much.
“I’m here to ask you on a date,” I clarify, the grin not leaving my face.
But April raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. “A date,” she repeats.
“Yes, sweetheart. A date. An outing.”
“Hmm,” she chews her lip. “You know you don’t have to?—”