Page 49 of Knot a Bad Idea
“Shit, is that your girl? I swear I didn’t touch her. I fuckingswear,you can ask my lawyer?—”
“You almost killed her.”
Saying it out loud makes me sick. I saw photos of the room he kept her in—a windowless, filthy room with a stained mattress and torn carpet.
She didn’t have enough food or water.
She didn’t even have fuckingsunlight, yet she survived.
“I didn’t mean to!” Kevin insists. “I didn’t know. I thought she was fine?—”
“You did it to other Omegas, too. Did you know one killed herself after she was rescued?”
Karlie. The one he mentioned earlier.
“So what?! You blame me for one bitch’s suicide? That’s not my fucking problem, man. I didn’t kill anyone.”
Rage builds in me until my vision blurs, and I exhale slowly.
The lack of sleep isn’t making this any easier, and I know I need to leave before I try to break through the glass that separates us just to strangle the fucker.
But I had to see him once to let him know that when he takes his final breath, it’s because of me.
It’s because he hurt the woman I lo?—
He hurt April.
I look at him one last time, taking in his confused, frightened expression.
He fears me.
And then, I do something I haven’t done in a long time.
I smile at him.
I smile because I know April will have her vengeance.
“What the fuck, man?” Kevin demands. I hang up the phone slowly, and he looks terrified.
“If people freak out when you smile, I think that’s a problem,”Fake April says.
I ignore her.
I rise from my chair, nod at Kevin once, then leave.
The drive back to the packhouse is easy. I stop at every light and don’t nod off at the wheel.
My world may be bleak, but today it became a tiny bit brighter.
As I arrive home, the private investigator texts me.
Everything is in place, and word spreads around a prison fast.
This time, when I lie in bed and close my eyes, I’m asleep instantly.