Page 8 of Marrying the Guide
I stared at the screen, a smile creeping onto my face. My thumbs hovered over the keyboard. How much should I divulge?
If by sore you mean that I can barely move, then yes, I’m sore. Although I prefer to describe it as “everything hurts and I’m dying” as it feels more accurate, if a tad dramatic.
[crying laughter emoji]
[hug emoji]
I’m sorry. But also, that was funny.
I’m glad my suffering provides you with some amusement. At least it serves a higher purpose, then.
I promise I won’t laugh too much.
I’m not laughing at all, but only because it hurts too much. Who knew I had core muscles? I sure do now.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that my feet look like I’ve been tortured.
Oy. How bad is it?
Like I’ve been tortured?
My phone buzzed, and I fumbled it, almost dropping the device in my haste to answer the FaceTime call. “Hi.”
“Hi. Show me your feet.”
“Excuse me? Men usually buy me dinner first before they ask me to undress.”
He snorted. “Sorry. I promise I don’t have a foot fetish. I just wanna make sure nothing is getting infected. EMT, remember?”
“Plus lifeguard, CPR instructor, wilderness guide, and search and rescue volunteer. Yes, I remember.”
“Humor me, Onno,” he said much softer now. I loved the way he said my name. How could I refuse?
After checking my feet were at least clean—if still gross because of all the blisters—I aimed the camera at my feet.
Howell whistled between his teeth. “Oh boy, that does look painful.”
“Trust me, it is.”
“You should’ve said something during the hike. I noticed you were uncomfortable and figured your boots were bothering you, but I didn’t realize it was this bad.”
At least I’d managed to tough it out. “There was nothing you could’ve done anyway. It’s not like I could’ve taken them off or, you know, have you carry me down the mountain.”
Another one of those low, sexy chuckles. “Which I would have, in a worst-case scenario, but you’re wrong that I couldn’t have helped. I always bring special anti-blister tape I could’ve put on to prevent it from getting this bad.”