Page 70 of Rumor Has It
The Country Music Network nominations haven’t been revealed. The producers of the awards show booking my act early is a coup. I’ve been out of the spotlight and my appearance is a ratings boon.
“Where will I be flying in from again?” My elbows lean on the table. My thumb taps over my lip, and I look at Vespa.
“Wichita, Kansas. You had four consecutive days off that week for vocal rest. The awards show isn’t a massive intrusion in the schedule. The timing means you won’t have to rush to get there and can spend two nights in Austin. Fly in for rehearsals, sound checks, and the performance in the evening. Overnight after the parties and meet up with the bus on our way to the next venue,” she rattles off the next cities I’m visiting. Managing my travel schedule is second nature to her.
Any other year, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. I twist around in my chair. Monty’s sitting in a corner cradling Aria, who is chugging her afternoon bottle like a frat boy chugs beer. All he does is return my look. Aria hasn’t made a peep since the phone rang. The guy is the fucking baby whisperer.
Because I understand how lucky I am to have any help at the moment I say to Vespa, “Any chance you can book the flight for that morning or is that cutting it too close?”
“I can do a red eye in and out if that’s what you really want,” Vespa says in her usual bored tone.
“Let’s consider that,” I reply, hoping that Vespa reads between the lines.
I don’t want to attend any receptions after the show never mind sit in the audience with video cameras trained on my every move. If I have time for an extended side trip while I’m touring, I’d prefer flying to Nashville. I still haven’t hired a new nanny for Aria and I’m worried about her safety, alone in Tennessee. Despite my misgivings, I knock on the wood, as if I have all the confidence in the world.
“Green light the rest.” My finger hovers over the end button.
“One last thing before we’re done, Will,” Vespa interrupts. “Are we going to be seeing you in Texas before the tour starts?”
“In all likelihood, yes. I’ve been meaning to tell you that Ben Chambers joined the team.” Will pauses. Vespa and my brows raise in unison. Ben was part of Kylie’s management company. “You both know I’m getting remarried this spring and, fuck me, my fiancée won’t quit about how I won’t be bringing work along on our honeymoon.”
“Well, good for her, but bad for me.” I’m not Will’s only client and we check in multiple times a week. However, I don’t begrudge anyone a vacation. I needed a break from my life, and the respite helped me figure out my priorities.
“If it’s okay with you, I’m going to bring Ben along when I come. That way, he’s up to speed while I’m gone. We’ll also see you during the initial leg of the tour. I don’t foresee any problems—”
“But you never know,” Vespa finishes Will’s sentence.
“We’ll,ah, manage,” I say in a tone lighter than my assistant’s.
I’m glad my manager is a veteran of the entertainment business. He’s as big a shark as Vespa. Though I’m positive no one has ever accused the older man of being the type to eat his young.
I glance past Vespa and catch sight of Cassidy lingering in the doorway. “If we’re all set here, Will, I’m about to hike across the ranch to talk to Cris Sanchez about renting some studio time.”
“We are, and I think that’s a fine idea.” Because more songs equal more dollar signs for us all.
Both sides of the conversation “tap end” call without goodbyes.
I stand quickly. “Hey Cass, did you need to go over a menu?”
“I can walk. I am available… To go with you. On the walk.” Cassidy notices her hands twisting and tucks them under her armpits. Then she immediately moves them behind her back. She’s tense and self-conscious.
“We could go now.” Do I sound over eager?
Also, who cares? Besides Vespa, that is. My assistant is rolling her eyes.
“I don’t want to interrupt anything important.”
Nothing is more important than Cassidy. She’s come to me of her own free will.
“I’ll get Aria a new diaper and a blanket.” The offer was to join us.
“Sleeping Beauty ain’t going nowhere, boss.” Monty shakes an empty baby bottle in my direction.
I don’t move right away and Monty tosses the top of his head toward the door as if to say “get out of here while the gettin’ is good”. If I don’t take the chance to be alone with Cassidy I might not get it back. So, I thank him and guide her out of the room.
“Did you want to walk to my aunt and uncle’s? I heard you say you needed to talk to him,” Cassidy asks when we hit the front steps.
I press my thumb to my lower lip, admitting, “That was actually a white lie. Cris agreed to let me record at his place already.”