Page 98 of Rumor Has It
She kneads my bare flesh, drawing me in as close as two souls can get. I snap my hips, thrusting into her tight channel. In the recesses of my mind, I ponder the risk of not being the man she needs me to be. Had I known this was what I was missing…
It doesn’t take long for the white hot sparks to fly down my spine. My balls tighten. I pull out and warmth explodes on our stomachs. I promised her I’d make an honest woman of her before we brought another life into the picture. I won’t break my promise, but I kiss Cass so she understands I’m now the one starving for more.
Or maybe I always was.
Our lips part and I rest my forehead to hers. Staring at Cassidy, I blink one eye closed, then the other open. “Where were you all my life?” I ask, catching my breath.
She answers with another kiss. “Lately, I’ve wondered if I would have lost out on this if I left Kingsbrier when my cousins had. What we have surpasses everything I wanted. I suppose having country’s hottest superstar for a boyfriend will do that. I can’t believe Isaiah Roomer is the love of my—Wait? Did you say you’re selling the house?” In an awkward attempt to untie the damp apron, she’s also stretching her legs to reach for her panties with her toes without my spunk spilling everywhere.
The oven timer beeps.
“I am. But I don’t want to talk about that at the present.”
I take the apron from her and use it to wipe the puddle I left in her belly button. The thin fabric has outlived its effectiveness by the time I’m cleaning myself off.
When Cassidy is decent, she scrubs her hands, grabs a pot holder and removes the latest batch of muffins.
The cold bite of the tile nips my glutes as I pull my pants back up. I shimmy onto the carpet runner.
“Did you want butter on this muffin top?” she asks.
“Yeah. C’mere.” I tug her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her. Cass feeds me a bite of muffin over her shoulder. I groan my appreciation for her culinary talents and nuzzle her neck.
“Do you intend to return to the B&B this fall?” I skim four fingertips around her left ring finger.
To say my first wife was career oriented is an understatement. Conversely, I’m not looking for someone to keep the home fires burning. Cassidy had hopes for her future before I came along. I won’t hold her back. The same way she mixes and stirs, I’m formulating plans to support whatever she wants.
“I still feel the need to be a part of my family’s legacy, but I don’t think I can work for my sister anymore,” she sighs. “It has little to do with the fight we had. The B&B was Gracyn’s dream. I need one of my own.”
“Then what do you dream about? What’re you going to do when we’re done making and raising babies? Or while we are?” I mean, I know we’ve got making them on pause.
“I dream about you and baking. Not always in that order,” she smarts.
Chapter Thirty-nine
We’re on the road for three weeks before the next chance to rest. If Isaiah can call the awards show a rest. Although he’s only performing one song, it sounds like as much of a production as an entire concert.
Our bus departs Wichita to avoid traffic while the rest of the crew stays behind to wrap up loose ends. We’ll meet up with the band and the crew at the next venue. Ten hours after Isaiah’s last curtain call, we arrive in Austin. He’s sleeping in his bunk with the drape closed. The baby slept with me and hasn’t stirred. However, I can’t sit still. I’m used to the lull of the bus moving overnight. The sound of Dillon setting the air brake is like a rooster’s crow for me.
But my bigger concern is how to keep my sanity. This event is my first time in front of a crowd. I can’t pull my shirt collar up and a ball cap over my eyes and avoid the cameras. Reporters will want interviews with Isaiah while I’m on his arm. What if I have lipstick on my teeth while the press films a sound bite from him? I’m spinning on every detail from ripping a seam in my gown to that Taylor Swift incident when she had to muster all the dignity and grace she had at nineteen. Like what if a friend of Kylie’s, or even a foe of Isaiah’s, makes a negative remark to stir up publicity and embarrass him? He’s already overcome enough of her drama that other people aren’t aware of. Regrettably, the world can be an ugly place when someone wants your head on the chopping block and it’s my job to stand behind Isaiah with all the poise I can muster.
Bellamy will be there. She’s done this a thousand times and has tried to reassure me it’s not a big deal. Smile and wave. Smile and find your seat. Smile and drink champagne. It will be over before I know it. Just remember to smile.
I hope my smile doesn’t falter if my heel catches on the hem of my skirt and I trip.
I slip out of bed to start a pot of coffee.
In the kitchen area, Monty is cross-legged by the computer station, reading a newspaper. Vespa lies on the banquette where we eat our meals. With her arms folded across her chest, she resembles the crypt keeper.
She pops one eye open, looks at me, and groans.
Yeah, not like I want to see her face the first thing in the morning either.
“I thought you were flying?” I scoop grounds into the filter.
“Connections,” she mutters, as if it is a whole explanation.