Page 69 of Dangerous Passion
He was close, muscles bunched hard, movements jerky, uncontrolled. He gave a deep moan in her mouth and with one last upward thrust started coming again in hot spurts that covered his stomach and hers.
Oh God, it was so intense.
Grace felt like she was leaking emotions, coming out of her as moisture. Somehow her eyes were full of tears, though she wasn’t crying. It was as if the emotion in her simply had to find a way out and had opted for her eyes. She was sweating from every pore, shaking and trembling, holding ontightly to Drake, as if she’d drifted far out to sea and he were a lifeline.
They lay together holding each other tightly for a long time, long enough for the sky outside to turn a light shade of pewter. Her trembling muscles slowly relaxed and their breathing evened out.
Grace was sliding into sleep when Drake turned his head to kiss her ear, then whispered into it, “I love you too, Grace.”
It jolted her awake. She lifted her head to look at him, at this man who had become her lover. Who had become her beloved. Each feature of his face was exotic, fascinating, new yet familiar.
Who knew? She didn’t believe in past lives, but there had to be something that could explain the deep, intense and immediate connection with this man.
She meant what she’d said and so did he. Neither of them took love lightly.
“There’s so much to say.” Grace ran a finger over his eyebrows, down that high, broad cheekbone, over his full mouth. “I don’t know where to start.”
His head dipped in agreement. “Yes, there is much to say, my love, but we have the rest of our lives to say it. And if we want the rest of our lives to be more than a day or two, we must plan carefully. A man will be coming with new documents for you. He will be here by noon, unless all this …beautifulsnow—“ his hard mouth quirked upward in a smile, “slows his progress.”
On a long sigh, Grace rolled out of bed and stretched, naked. She lifted her arms to the ceiling and rose on her toes. She felt so …good.
“Where will this meeting be, Drake?”
“Good question, dushka.” One hand reached out from under the covers to stroke her hip. Grace smiled at his touch. “Not my study. That is too … personal with all your paintings there. And they would be something he would remember. No, I think we will meet in the living room.”
Chapter Thirteen
Ihave news…but first the money.
The message was texted to Rutskoi’s cell, which he’d parked in full sight. His teeth ground. Whatever the news was, the man—or woman, nothing like a woman for betrayal, in his experience—wasn’t talking until the next installment was transferred. And Rutskoi had to take it on faith that the news was going to be worth $100,000.
Rutskoi took his eye off the scope and texted his Caribbean bank. His Caribbean bank lived for this. The transfer was made immediately. A quarter of an hour later, his informant texted:
Target will be in living room from noon on. Living room is five rooms from southern end, tenth and eleventh windows. He ordered food and might stay in the room for a while.
Yes! Drake finally in the living room, in a straight line from his Barrett, staying there for a while—if Rutskoi didn’t make this shot, he might as well hang up his rifle.
All of a sudden, Rutskoi could feel a huge surge of power running through his body. He had only catnapped over the past days, but suddenly the fatigue disappeared as if it had never been. He felt alert, refreshed. Ready. This would work, he could feel it in his bones. He was going to get Drake, and become rich and, in the right circles, famous.
He settled back over his rifle, feeling a preternatural clarity. His destiny was awaiting him.
Drake would go down, and he would go up.
It was the way of the world.
They had a leisurely breakfast,left outside the door by the phalanx of good fairies that apparently ran Drake’s household. The fairies were excellent at what they did. Strong Indian tea, homemade yogurt, homemade croissants, fresh blueberries.
Drake said he would offer a light lunch to the mystery man coming at noon, so she ate sparingly.
The atmosphere between them had changed, sharpened. Grace no longer felt any shyness at all around Drake. They spoke naturally as a couple, making their plans. He asked her where she wanted to end up and she said far away, in a place with palm trees.
He’d been quiet for a long moment, then nodded.
“It will take a few steps, duschka,” he said, “but so be it.”
Grace caught at his hand and brought it to her face. “Together, though.” She kissed his hand lightly. “We will do it together.”
He turned his hand to run the back of his forefinger down her cheek. “Oh, yes, my love, we will do it together. It willbe difficult and even dangerous. You will have to learn to inhabit a new life in a new place, and possibly learn a new language. Nothing will be easy and nothing will be familiar, but I will be with you every step of the way.”