Page 64 of Dangerous Lover
What could she say? If she said she’d been with someone, he’d immediately want to know who. And she was an atrocious liar. What could she say that wasn’t a lie, but didn’t convey the truth?
“It was … quiet,” she said finally.
He nodded, as if that was the answer he expected. “I didn’t call because I thought you might want to be alone over the holidays. I know that Christmases have always been hard for you. But you know, Caroline, the grieving process must come to an end. You’re still a young woman, and now Toby—well,Toby has gone on to a better place, and you can start thinking of yourself. There are stages to grieving, you know…”
Caroline zoned out. It was a speech she’d heard thousands of times before from Sanders.
He was sitting directly under the overhead lamp, turning his perfectly styled hair a pure gold. He was definitely a handsome man, and he definitely knew it. Caroline watched him as he gave his little sermon, listening to one word out of ten.
The light also reflected off the top of his head. She peered a little, carefully disguising her interest. Was that his scalp she was seeing through the blond strands? Yes, that was definitely skin, not hair at his temples. Hisrecedingtemples. Was Sanders goingbald?
He wouldn’t like that. Caroline imagined that he was using every expensive hair care product on earth and that eventually, if he trod the tragic path of male-pattern baldness, he’d have a transplant. Jenna was absolutely certain that he’d already had a little nip and tuck around the eyes, but however carefully Caroline looked, she couldn’t see any signs. But then, what would she know? She wasn’t exactly an expert.
“—what do you say? I think it would be fantastic and I think it would cheer you up. I just know you’d have a wonderful time.”
He’d come to the end of his little spiel and she hadn’t even listened. Oh hell, he’d said something that required an answer.Yeswas definitely out, if she didn’t know what she was agreeing to. Andno—well Sanders wasn’t too big on no’s.
She patted his hand and lied. “I’m so sorry, Sanders. I was listening for a deliveryman who is supposed to bring me thenew weekly arrivals. He’s new so he doesn’t know how to park out back. I thought I heard his van outside, but it wasn’t him after all. However, I’m afraid I missed what you were saying. Would you mind repeating?”
She’d finished her tea, he’d finished his. She’d wait for him to repeat what he’d said then gently suggest he go.
His blond eyebrows drew together in annoyance and gave a little sigh. “Isaid, I have tickets toLa Traviatanext Saturday in Seattle. Box seats. So I thought we might just make a weekend of it. I’ll clear my calendar Friday afternoon and you can close up early. I’ve booked us a room at the Fairmont Olympic. I know you love that hotel and it’s been years since you’ve been there, right? We’ll just relax and have a good time. Be together. Then on Sunday, there are some people I’d like you to meet.” He put his hand over hers. “Be just like old times, eh?”
Caroline just stared at him. This was beyond alarming. He’d gone ahead and started up another round of their relationship without asking her! Except she had no intention of following along. She had bigger and better things to do.
“Sanders—you’ve alreadybookedthe room? That’s crazy! I can’t go to Seattle with you next weekend.”
His head reared back in surprise at her reaction. “But I’ve got the tickets! They were almost impossible to find. Caroline, read my lips.La Traviata. It’s the Met company on tour. And the Fairmont. How can you say no?”
This was going way too far, even for him. “Sanders, do you mean to tell me that you bought expensive tickets to the opera and booked a room at the Fairmont and you didn’t think to askme if I wanted to go?”
Sanders looked absolutely blank. “Well, why wouldn’t you want to go? I mean it’s not as if—”It’s not as if you have anything better to do.
The words hung there in the room. Sanders’ mouth had snapped shut, which was a good thing because if he said one more word, she was going to smack him.
Well, enough was enough. Caroline stood and, startled, Sanders stood, too. “I’m sorry I can’t accept your invitation, Sanders.” Not that it had been an invitation. It had been more like a summons. “But I’m afraid I’m busy next weekend.” And the weekend after that, and the weekend after that. “And next time you want to invite a woman out, you might want to ask her first before making all the arrangements. Now, if you’ll excuse me?—”
“Wait! Caroline, wait.” He grabbed her by her upper arms. She looked at her arms and then up at him. “I’m sorry if that came out all wrong. Listen, I think we need to get our relationship back on an even footing. And I thought that a romantic getaway for a weekend would be a fabulous way to do that. Don’t you think so?” He smiled down at her, his usual charming smile that wasn’t working at all. “Come on, you know you’ve been having a hard time. I want to treat you to some luxury living. You know we’re meant to be together.”
Caroline tried to wrench herself away, but his grip was strong. He worked out a lot at the gym. “Sanders, I hate to break this to you, but we have no relationship. If anything, you’ve got a relationship with that brunette I saw you with last week.” Considering he’d had his hand up her skirt and histongue down her throat. Caroline had seen them outside a trendy Italian eatery, Patrizio’s, as she was driving home after a late night in the shop shelving new books.
“Oh ho.” His face cleared. “You’re jealous. That’s it. Oh, sweetheart, I promise you, you have nothing to be jealous about. That woman doesn’t mean anything to me. You’re the one I care for. Always have. Always will. Now’s our time, Caroline. Finally.”
To her horror, he pulled her close and kissed her. It wasn’t a first date kiss either. They’d been to bed together so he presumed he had the right to go for full-frontal, tongue-in-mouth kissing.
Caroline tried to pull away, but he was holding the back of her head, hard, his fingers twisted in her hair. He was hurting her. Clutching her so tightly to him, it felt like her ribs were cracking. And—horribly—he was grinding against her and she could feel the beginnings of an erection against her mound.
That galvanized her. She didnotwant to feel his penis against her. Ack. She started pushing against him in earnest, trying to tell him to cut it out, but his mouth absorbed her words. She ended up making mewling sounds of protest, beating her fists against his chest.
He rubbed even harder against her and she felt him surge into a full erection. God, this was awful! His eyes were closed, as if this were a romantic moment between two lovers, and not an act of force.
His tongue moved in her mouth like a warm wet slug and it sickened her. She struggled harder, trying to kick him,managing mostly to bruise her toes. His hand tightened in her hair, pulling at it so hard it brought tears to her eyes.
Ouch! You’re hurting me!The words were there, in her throat, but she couldn’t say them, she could only make horrified noises. She finally landed a kick, but it only made him hold her head more tightly to him. He was in a frenzy now, his teeth clashing against hers as he changed the kiss to delve more deeply into her mouth, hips rubbing against hers. Horrible noises were coming out of his throat and she could feel his penis swell even further.
He bit her lip, drawing blood. She could taste her blood and so could he. His penis rippled with arousal and he groaned as he ground himself against her. Her blood excited him.
Oh God, this had never even occurred to her. The couple of times they’d made love, it had been perfectly bland. Pleasant but not overly so. Totally unmemorable.