Page 29 of Cold Foot Komodo
Sasha though—she was in absolute focus.
“How are we going to run this?” she asked as she approached.
“Run what?” he asked as he led her around the truck and opened her door. Should he hug her? Would she feel weird if he did?
“Do you want to pretend your little forehead kiss and our epic hug never happened? Or maybe just say fuck it and hold hands? Should we be awkward together and sit in silence all the way back into town?”
He chuckled as she got in, and then he closed the door and strode around the front of the truck, nearly knocking his shin on the huge shovel he had attached to the front because he wasn’t paying enough attention.
He slid into the truck and closed the door, lowered the bucket on the front, and then put the running pickup into gear. “I was thinking awkward silence,” he joked. “What about you?”
“Damn. Okay, I’m in. Three, two, one.” She zipped her lips and sat there frozen, staring unblinking ahead.
He laughed and slid his hand to her thigh, hoping she was okay with it. In an instant, she relaxed into his touch, and in the next instant, she leaned over the console and slid her hand to the inside of his bicep. “This is a way better plan,” she assured him.
Fuck, he was glad she was human. He would be mortified if she could actually hear how fast his heart was beating right now. Hers was racing his, and he pursed his lips against a satisfied smile. With a sigh, he guided the truck down the winding mountain road with one hand, slid his other farther to the inside of her leg and pulled her a little closer, and settled in for the drive while she messed with the aux cord and chose music.
She smelled so good. Toothpaste, some fruit shampoo, and her scent that was just…Sasha. Intoxicating.
“Are you cold?” he asked.
“I think I might freeze to death here.”
He reached into the back seat where she’d muscled all of her things, including her jacket, and pulled it up and over her lap, then rested his hand on her thigh. Sure, he hated the extra layer between them, but he didn’t like her being cold.
“I freeze here too. It’s better after I Change though. I probably need to tonight.”
“Change into what?” she asked.
He tossed her a look, and then guided the truck through a sharp left on the winding road.
“Oh come on,” she pleaded. “You forehead-kissed me. We’re super-serious. I’ll tell you what I am!”
“What are you?”
“A Sagittarius.”
He belted out a surprised laugh. “Okay, so your birthday is when?”
“December second.”
“Mmm, mine is December fourteenth.”
“Gasp! We are almost birthday twins.”
“So there you go. I am also a Sagittarius. Now you know what I am.”
“I’ll just ask Timber then. She tells me everything.”
“Why didn’t you ask her last night?”
Sasha narrowed her eyes at him. “Because someone kissed me dumb.”
A forehead kiss made her dumb? She had to be teasing still. Privately, he liked the thought of being able to kiss her dumb so easily though.
“Komodo dragon.”
“Komo…Komodo dragon,” she whispered. The smile had faded from her lips and her pretty brown eyes had gone wide. “Like those huge lizards?”