Page 17 of Strip Search
“You didn’t want Molly to step foot in that place, much less get involved. Why is Jade different?” He smirks.
“Cody. I’m tired and really don’t want to kick your ass again today. Drop it.”
Jade is different. Cody doesn’t need to knowwhy. What she witnessed atThe Landing Strip,is nothing compared to the world Jade is used to.
“You’re an asshole.” My little brother so pleasantly reminds me.
Flipping him the finger over my shoulder, I keep moving down the hallway. I’ve got other projects I need to check in on, and I need to pay a visit to Smitty and his little family today too.
“I’m out for the rest of the day Molly. Don’t call me unless it’s an emergency. Cody can handle anything that comes up. I’ll see you tonight.” I tell her as I run my hand along the receptionist desk, pausing only for a brief moment to make sure she’s heard me.
She responds with an eye roll and goes back to typing away on the keyboard in front of her. I’m lucky if she’s said more than a sentence to me since I hung out at her apartment last. Apparently, she also doesn’t appreciate my constant asking if she’s ready to quit, among other things.
Too bad. I don’t appreciate the fact that she’s letting other men touch her either.
Stepping outside, I let the warm sun soak into my skin while I walk to my truck.
I’m turning out of the parking lot when Smitty answers my call, and his voice fills the Bluetooth speakers inside the cab. “You up for a ride?”
His laughter echoes around me. “I’m always up for a ride.”
“My place in twenty?”
“Hell yeah.”
I can always count on Smitty to be ready to saddle up and put some miles on our hogs.
The line disconnects and almost immediately another call rings through. Molly’s name lights up my in-dash screen.
Fucking woman. It hasn’t been ten minutes. I know damn well it’s not an emergency and no matter how bad I want to ignore it, I won’t. Instead, I hit the talk button on the steering wheel.
“This better be worth it Molly.”
“I’m heading toThe Landing Strip,” she hesitates. “Dallas called us all in for a meeting.”
Slamming my first on the steering wheel, I let out a curse. At the corner, I make a sharp U-turn, heading for the hell hole. “I’m on my way. Play it cool. Tell me Cody’s with you.”
“I’m here, her car wouldn’t start so we’re in my truck,” he speaks up. “She’s going to tell him I’m the boyfriend and we were together when he called. I’ll try to get inside, but if not, I’ve got eyes and ears on her.”
Thank fuck the kid has some common sense. “I’ve got my laptop in the back seat. I’ll hang back. Cody, you get as close as you can.”
“Cole,” Molly’s voice shakes.
“We’re playing ball, Molly. Too late now.” I hate forcing her into this. I can tell that she’s second guessing everything now.
“I can’t...”
“Molly, you signed up for this. There is no backing down. If your gut is telling you that something is up, that’s because it probably is. You have to go in there now and see what he wants.”
What Molly doesn’t know, is that there is movement happening today. Shipments are coming in. Dallas called this meeting so he would have an alibi. No doubt about it.
“Cody, help her keep it together. Molly, if shit goes down, get out. Fuck everything else, just get out.”
If I stay on the line a minute longer, I’m going to say something stupid. Ending the call with Molly and Cole, I quickly call Smitty back.
“Change of plans. Go back home.”