Page 33 of Strip Search
Slipping my free hand between us I stroke her clit as her head swings from side to side against the door, begging for something only I can give her right now. I can feel her pussy clamp down around me as her body trembles.
“HOLY FUCK, OH GOD!” Molly screams, her legs tugging me even closer to her. The bite of the Glock holstered against my back while I fuck her only adds to this twisted fantasy. “COLE!”
She uses me to ride out her orgasm, literally, as my balls tighten. Realizing nearly too late that I’ve forgotten the condom, I pull out and fist my cock – spurting my load all over her stomach, the white ropes marking her as mine. Once and for all.
I’m so blinded by my own orgasm that I almost miss the pink on my dick. My heart leaps into my throat, and a primal growl escapes me. Stepping back, I look at her leaning against the door with her feet on the floor now. My cum still running down her pale skin. Counting to ten, I pull up my pants and reach in my pocket for the white handkerchief I carry and hand it to her.
“You...” the words feel like cotton in my mouth. “You...were a virgin?” I don’t know why I’m asking. I already know. I want to be mad. I probably should be. If I had known...
Fuck that.
A twisted sense of pride takes hold. She gave herself to me. No other worthless piece of shit will have what she’s given me.
Tears swell in Molly’s eyes as I step closer to her. With a gentle nod, she confirms the magnitude of what just happened. Tilting her head up, so she meets my gaze, I smile and plant a firm kiss on her lips.
There’s so much I want to say to her right now. Years of confessions threaten to fall from my lips, but sudden commotion in the hall has us both rushing to right our clothes.
I’ve pulled the robe around her shoulders just as the door busts open without warning.
Lights, dogs barking, and boots stomping echo around us.
“Police. You’re under arrest.”
What the fuck?
I’m roughly spun around and pinned to the table as the cold metal slaps on my wrists. Looking over my shoulder, I see them doing the same thing to Molly as she calls out for me.
“Don’t be stupid and try to fight us Davenport,” a familiar voice warns.Logan.The rookie on the SWAT team.
It figures, if he’s here, that means Rhys and Smitty are somewhere too. Being arrested by friends on the police force has always been on my bucket list.
“Anything on you that we should be worried about?” he asks.
“Waist and ankle.” Not a chance in hell I would step foot in this place, unarmed. Years of training and the right equipment helped me fly under the radar at the door.
Logan smoothly unarms me and gives one final pat down before pulling me upright and ushering me out the door. It’s absolute chaos around us, and the worst part is I’ve lost sight of Molly. I have no clue where they’ve taken her to.
I’m shoved into the back of a cop car alone, and some rookie takes me downtown, where these fuckers keep me locked in an interrogation room for a fucking hour.
I expected they’d send someone in and want answers or some bullshit but no such luck. As the clock on the wall strikes two am, the door finally opens, and of all fucking people, Smitty walks in.
“I know they didn’t send you in here to question me,” I grumble.
“Off the record? Yes, they did. Call it a professional courtesy, I guess.”
I roll my eyes. Years ago, I thought for sure Smitty would be the one sitting on this side of the table. Funny how that worked out.
“Smitty.” We can do this all fucking night.
“You’re free to go.” He smirks.
I jump up quickly, the metal chair scraping against the floor before tumbling over with a thud. “Where’s Molly?”
Smitty puts his hands on my chest, stopping me from walking out the door. “Calm your tits, she’s talking with the DEA in the conference room. They actually want you too. You’ve got paperwork to fill out.” He slaps me on the back. “I don’t envy you.”
“I’m taking a fucking vacation after this.”