Page 12 of Royally F*cked
Chapter 5
I just told my grandfather—the KING of Herefirth—that I’m courting the help!
My sister’s lady in waiting at that.
Somehow I’ve gone from nearly losing my shit when the king told me it was time to find a wife to blurting out that I’ve already been seeing someone.
This time, His Majesty looks like he’s about to murder me. If he doesn’t succeed, I have a feeling that Charlie will finish the job. Not that I blame her.
I’ve always done my best to all but ignore her whenever our paths have crossed because simply looking at her does things to me.
Long legs. Curves in all the right places. And that long champagne blonde hair that I can practically imagine wrapped around my hand as I take her from behind.
Shaking my head, I do my best to steady myself for the lashing I’m about to endure.
My assumptions about Charlotte Summer Wilson were spot on. The information Oscar forwarded to me on the car ride over tells me everything I need to know.
This certainly wasn’t how I planned to spring this on my grandfather, but I felt cornered and reacted.
The minute the door closes behind Charlie, my grandfather stands and begins pacing.
“Julius Hugh Rexford, III, what in the fuck are you thinking?”
I know exactly what I’m thinking. None of it is suitable to repeat to the king. “You told me I needed to marry! You did not say to whom.”
“Do not be a smartass. Do you understand the scandal this could cause? She’s practically a child herself. This morning you acted like I asked you to commit treason when I mentioned marriage. Suddenly this afternoon you’re fucking the help!”
“Charlie is not a child. And I’m not fucking the help.” Both of those statements are true. Shit. I hope at least the first one is true.
How old is Charlie? She’s got to be legal by now.
“I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t be so crass about the woman I’m courting.”
“This has to be some kind of joke. I had everything set for you to take Mistress Henrietta out for a lovely evening. The Queen and I vetted her, as well as a few other candidates that would make suitable mates for the soon to be king.”
I understand exactly what he’s not saying. Charlie would never make it onto a list of suitable women to date the prince and potentially become the future Queen of Herefirth. For one, because she’s not much more than a commoner. The fact that she’s employed by the Royal Household is probably worse than being a commoner in other’s eyes.
That does not matter. I make my own decisions and if I’m going to have to spend at least the foreseeable future with someone, then it will be someone of my choosing. Someone I can trust with my life and my secrets.
“And I appreciate your effort. However, I am about to turn 35 and am capable of making my own decisions, Your Majesty.”
“That’s not how this works. You’ve proven time and time again that your decision-making skills are questionable at best,” he fires back.
“That’s a lie.”
“Just like you’re lying about courting Miss Charlotte.”
“That’s not a lie. I didn’t mention it earlier today because I felt that it was still too new. And I wanted to consult with her before I mentioned it to you.”
“Julius, I’ve been your grandfather for nearly as long as I’ve been the king. I can tell when you’re making shit up. In fact, if you were courting Miss Charlotte, then you’re not the man I thought you were.”
My brows furrow in confusion.
“I am very much aware of what time you arrived back at your flat last night. Or perhaps was it early this morning? You’re courting an employee of the Royal Household while still sowing your oats like some rebellious teenager! Your parents raised you better than that, and Goddamnit, I tried to too!” he roars at me. “I know that the royal family has a long history of adulterous ways, but not since your great-great grandfather, and I swore it would never happen again.”