Page 17 of Royally F*cked
“I want you to marry me.”
“Why? What’s the catch? Because I know that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you,” I sputter before kneeling on the floor to clean up the chunks of glass.
“Leave it,” Jude gently takes my arm and pulls me back to my feet. “Agnes will clean it up when we’re finished. Just be careful, for now.”
“Stop avoiding my questions,” I protest.
“I would like to take a moment to remind you that you are still an employee of the royal household and therefore, bound to privacy. Nothing discussed between us leaves this room. Am I clear?”
“Yes, fine. Get on with it,” I tap my watch in frustration. I’m so damned confused right now.
“My grandfather wishes to retire in the near future. In order for me to take the throne, I must be married.”
“And so you picked me, of all people? Not buying it.”
“Are you like this with my sister? Do you argue with her over everything? If so, I can see why she was so frustrated with you earlier.”
“Still avoiding the subject.”
“I’ll admit, I acted hastily. But I do not regret my choice. I wish to announce our relationship officially and have you join me in matrimony.”
“I get it. You’re used to women falling at your feet. Doing whatever you ask of them. But the thing is…you could have any woman that you choose. So, again, I ask you, why me?”
The fact that I even thought he may be remotely interested in me for any other reason makes me a fool. And makes my heart ache.
“Lots of reasons, Charlie. Starting with your loyalty to my family. I need a partner that I can trust above all else. Someone who doesn’t look at me as a ticket to the throne or as what I can do for them.”
“My parents, they’ve been married for twenty-one years,” I inform him, pushing past that ache. “And every day, I bear witness to the love that they have for each other. That loyalty that you speak of, it’s a two-way street in my family. My parents are committed to each other. They would never stray. That’s the kind of marriage I want one day. I can’t marry someone who will never find me attractive. Who will get his rocks off somewhere else and then come home to me pretending that we’re this happy little family. I want passion. A connection, both physically and emotionally. I realize that I’m not some Mistress worthy of being on your arm, but I do believe there is someone out there who will love me, for me.” I take a deep breath after just unloading my heart's desires on the Prince of Herefirth.
“Are you finished?” Jude asks.
“Yes. I think so.”
“I have no intentions of being anything but loyal to you. I realize how unconventional all of this is, and I know you have your doubts. I’ll have my lawyers draft a contract for the both of us. You help me fulfill my obligations and take over the throne, and in return, I will pledge my loyalty to you and compensate you for your time.”
“Compensate me?! You want to buy me?! Are you even listening to yourself right now?” My heart shatters a little more. Prince Jude doesn’t want me. He wants someone who will keep silent and do as she’s told.
“I don’t wish to buy you. I just want to see that you’re taken care of for giving up life as you know it. Your parents, they’ve worked for us for years. They must be looking forward to retiring. I’ll take care of them, as well. Whatever it is you want. As it stands, my grandfather has every intention of firing you and it’s my fault. Allow me to make it right.”
Bile rises in my throat. “I’m getting fired.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice softens and for a split second I believe he might actually be sincere.
“Will His Majesty fire my parents, as well?” Worry coils in my stomach.
“I honestly don’t know. He’s pretty pissed at me, so there’s no telling. He’s convinced you’re lying, so anything is possible.”
“Willow,” my voice cracks. “I’ve been with her for several years. She doesn’t handle change well.”
Jude takes a seat behind his desk and drops his head into his hands. “Yeah. I know. Seems I’ve royally fucked all of this up.”
I may be making a huge mistake but my loyalty to this family, to Willow, to my family, runs deep. If marrying a prince is what it takes to save us all, then… “I’ll do it. But, I have some requirements of my own.”