Page 27 of Royally F*cked
I swear, Charlie’s innocent to the way my world works is both astonishing and intriguing.
“I don’t just work for the prince,” he winks at her.
“Very well, I think allowing Ozzy to handle this may be the way to go. That way you're not the one lying to your parents.” I tell her.
Thankfully, she agrees and before she can think of any reason to protest about her attendance tonight, or further fawn over my “heart of gold,” Agnes’ daughter arrives and sweeps Charlie into the guest suite down the hall from my bedroom. Meanwhile, I make sure there are no loose ends and consult with Ozzy to ensure everything is in place for tonight’s outing.
He’s come up with a solid plan that will keep the children’s faces out of the spotlight while still catching Charlie and I together.
With one less worry weighing on my chest, I retreat to begin getting ready myself.
Shortly before we are due to leave my flat, Charlie joins me in the living room where I’ve been waiting and pacing like a caged animal according to Ozzy.
When I first turn around and see her in the navy-blue dress that she’s selected for the evening, I find myself fighting for air. With her hair pulled up into loose curls and just the right touch of makeup, she is every bit of elegance and class. But it’s the curve of her body that takes her sex appeal to a ten.
“Jesus Christ. You look…” I search for a word adequate enough. A word fit for my future queen.
“Pretty?” she bows her head as if she’s unsure of herself.
“Better than that. Stunning is perhaps a more appropriate word,” I tell her.
“Thank you,” her cheeks flush.
“Shall we?” Ozzy asks from his post near the door.
“One more moment.” I spin around and reach for the box I placed on the mantel while I waited. “This was my mother’s,” I tell Charlie, opening the box and pulling out the diamond drop necklace that my father gave to my mother prior to their first official public appearance together. “I’d like you to wear it.”