Page 41 of Royally F*cked
Score one point for Charlie.
I can practically see smoke blowing out my grandfather’s ears at this point. So I do what anyone else would do in my position. I decide to torch the fire. “Now that it seems you’ve accepted that we will be married. We will be reaching out to Father MacGonigal at St. Paul’s Cathedral and reserving Saturday, the 21st of May for our wedding. I trust you’ll make your own Royal Announcement congratulating us and announcing the wedding date once we’ve confirmed with the church.”
“Very well,” he smirks and my stomach drops.
He’s not backing down. There’s no way. Chances are, he’s about to try and implode this situation once and for all.
“And I do suppose that six weeks after that you’ll be making another announcement, telling the world that your wife is pregnant?”
And there it is. Shit. I was sincerely hoping to have that discussion with Charlie after our wedding.
Charlie coughs and sputters next to me.
“I see you haven’t told the future queen that in order for you to take the throne, you must produce a male heir,” my grandfather says, rather satisfied with himself.
“Actually,” Charlie speaks up, “he did tell me about this archaic rule. And since you have such an interest in our intimate details, we’ve already begun trying.”
My grandfather’s jaw drops once more. “I…well, I…”
I continue before he has a chance to say more, “and with that, I think we are done here for the day. I’ll have Oscar notify you at once about the church and location of the reception. I suppose we should make plans to move into the palace as well. I’d prefer to wait until you’ve announced your plans to retire, for tradition’s sake.”
He lets out a huff. “Now you’re worried about tradition.”
“Only the ones that aren’t outdated and barbaric,” I snark back at him. “Now, we must go. I’d like to stop by and have a chat with Willow before we get on with the rest of our day.”
My grandfather rubs his temples then shakes his head. “You’re incredibly frustrating, Julius.”
I smile. “As are you, Sir. It must run in the family.”
With Charlie’s hand in mine, I escort her out of my grandfather’s office and through the palace to the study where I know Willow should be working on her schoolwork for the day. She could use a small break.
After all, it’s not every day her brother gets engaged and needs her to be a bridesmaid.