Page 43 of Royally F*cked
“Oscar, would you fetch us a snack and a few drinks? We’ll be on the patio.”
“As you wish, Your Highness.”
“Charlie, where have you been? No one will tell me anything.” Willow pouts as soon as we’re outside.
Jude tasks a seat in one of the patio chairs and pats the seat next to him for me to join him. Willow takes a seat across from us.
“No I don’t suppose they would have told you,” Jude speaks first. “Charlie and I have some news for you.”
Willow eyes Jude suspiciously.
“This may come as a shock to you but, Charlie and I are getting married.”
“What?!” Willow jumps up and puts her hands on her hips. “You’re kidding. Right?”
I do my best to maintain a convincing smile. “We’re not kidding. Seems I am going to be a May bride,” I tell her.
“Oh. My. Gosh. How long have you two… Eeeeek! And right under my nose! Does this mean I get to be in the wedding? Please tell me that I can be your Maid of Honor!” Willow’s going a mile a minute while I try to keep up.
Jude chuckles. “Sloooow down, kiddo.”
“Right, right. From the beginning,” she takes a deep breath. “Okay. Shew. How long have you two been seeing each other?”
I look to Jude. Go ahead, genius. You can be the one to lie to your sister. This was your idea, after all.
“Uhm. Well,” Jude clears his throat. “We’ve been getting to know each other for a few months now.”
“And you two decided not to tell me, because?”
This one is easy. “Because you are a terrible secret keeper,” I laugh. “We wanted to keep things under wraps until we were sure about where things were going.”
“And we wanted to protect you from any fall-out,” Jude adds. Always the hero.
“Hm. Interesting. I’m not buying it but, whatever. To each their own. What does Papa think?”
Oh, Jude does not want me to answer this one.
“Papa is not pleased.”
Willow rolls her eyes. “Of course he’s not, Jude. Because Papa thinks anyone that isn’t blood related is somehow far less superior. I’m sorry, Charlie. I love our grandfather dearly, but he can be such an uptight snob.”
Part of me waits for Jude to correct her for speaking ill of the king, even if it’s the truth. But he doesn’t bother.
“So, moving on. Me. Maid of Honor. Fancy dress. Please say YES!”
“Well, now, the Maid of Honor part is up to Charlie, she may have a friend she has in mind. However, I think we both agree that we’d love for you to be one of our bridesmaids.”
Willow looks at me with the slightest sign of hurt in her eyes. “I thought I was your best friend.”
Way to lay it on thick, kid. Oh, and point out the fact that I have no friends.
“Of course you are, that’s exactly why I want you to be my Maid of Honor. There is no one else I can think of that would be fit for the job.”
“YES!” she practically jumps in my lap to give me a hug. “I am so excited! Does this mean I can help you pick out your wedding dress too? I promise I will not tell Jude what it looks like,” she quickly looks at Jude. “Sorry, big brother but a girl has to have some secrets. Oh, and you. Can I pick out your tie?”
The grin on her face tells me that she no doubt is already planning to pick out the most ridiculous tie she can find.
“Sure. Why not?” Jude answers.