Page 54 of Royally F*cked
Chapter 18
Somehow we survived dinner though I don’t know how much longer we’ll make it with all of the snarky and underhanded comments being flung at me and Jude. I can practically feel the anger vibrating off of him and the tension in the air has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the family either.
“Jude! Are you ready to open gifts? You have to open mine first!” Willow bounces on her toes.
At least spending time with this girl has been a bright spot in the evening.
Jude pops the button on his dress jacket and nods. “Let’s see what you got, kid.”
Willow picks up the gift bag that I helped her put together and hands it to Jude, proudly.
I have a feeling I may be in trouble for this later, but I swear I tried to talk her out of it.
He plucks the tissue paper from the top and digs inside, pulling out the gift box and cracking it open. The minute Jude looks at the tie his eyes bulge and then he erupts into laughter. “Willow Hope. You did not.”
She shrugs innocently and Jude glares at me.
“This is what you let her pick out?”
“Me? No. I encouraged her to consider all of her options.”
“Well, what is it,” The queen asks.
For the first time ever, Jude blushes. “It’s nothing,” he tries to close the box and tuck it back inside the bag.
“Nonsense,” his grandmother is quicker and takes the box from him. “Well, I’ve never. What’s wrong with eggplants on a tie, Jude? I think it’s quite adorable. A job well done, as always, Willow.”
I cover my mouth and giggle. That’s pretty much exactly what Willow said to me when I told her that I wasn’t so sure about that.
Jude’s cousins, his aunt and uncle, and Mistress Henrietta all laugh as Queen Lily holds up the tie for everyone to see. Thankfully, the king and Anderson both excused themselves to discuss business in the office. My parents insisted on making a quick exit but not before asking Jude if we could stop by their place before we leave.
“Yeah. See. They’re just eggplants! And you love eggplant parmesan, so, why not?”
“I tried, I swear,” I tell Jude through my laughter.
Ozzy is standing in the corner watching the entire exchange with amusement on his face.
“Great job, kiddo,” Beth high-fives Willow.
“That’s not the only thing in there. I got you matching socks too!”
“Matching socks,” Jude shakes his head as he pulls them out. “Thank you, Willow.”
A tiny box falls into his lap as the socks unroll.
Willow claps her hands together. “I had a little bit of help with that one, but I think you’ll like it.”
Jude opens up the box and gasps. “Wow. Willow, this is awesome.”
The 14-carat gold tie pin was engraved with a ‘J’ and the Rexford family crest.
“It’s just like the one Daddy used to wear,” Willow says. “I thought you could wear it at the wedding, and it would be almost like he’s there with you.”
He clears his throat and swipes his eyes. “It’s perfect. I love it.” Jude holds his arms open for her to hug him.
“I’m so glad. I was worried it would make you sad.”