Page 56 of Royally F*cked
“This is not a handout, Sir. Simply what you and your wife have earned by serving the monarchy.”
“I need to think about it. There is a lot to consider. We’ll need to find a place to live…”
“Already taken care of,” I pipe in. “Jude and I have spoken about it and his flat will be available to you. When Jude becomes king, you’ll join us at the palace, in the main area.”
Dad runs a hand over his face. “You kids seem to have it all figured out.”
“What we don’t have figured out, we’ll work out along the way,” I tell him with confidence.
“Give us a few days to talk it over,” he repeats.
Jude nods. “That will be fine. Even if you do choose to stay on the payroll here, the money is already in your accounts and there will be direct deposits made monthly. They’re yours, no matter what you decide.”
“Your Highness,” Mum begins but quickly corrects herself when Jude looks at her. “Jude, I mean. We do appreciate all of this.”
“I’m merely doing what should have been done all along,” he assures her. “Charlie, why don’t you spend some time with your parents. There’s one more person I need to speak to before we leave.”
“Sure.” I let go of his hand and he kisses my cheek.
“I’ll come back here when I’ve finished.”
Once Jude has left Mum looks over at me. "Well, how is it?"
Slightly perplexed I ask what she's referring to.
"Being Jude's fiancée? This is the first time we've been able to speak with you alone."
"What your mother really wants to know is if you're okay. Is he treating you right? Is he holding you against your will? Is that what this is? Does he have some blackmail on you or something?" Dad asks.
I can't help but laugh out loud. "Hardly any of that. I will admit that things started off a bit unconventional, but he's not holding me against my will."
"If you're doing it for money, you can walk away right now. We will be okay. I'll figure out a way to take care of us all."
I scoff. "This has nothing to do with money. Is it so hard to believe that I want to marry Jude?"
"No. Not at all," Mum says. "We just worry about you and want to make sure that you're okay."
"I'm okay. More than okay. Jude is different. It's unexpected."
"Jude is more like his parents. They were great people and would have made a great king and queen," Dad acknowledges.
"Has the king always been this way?" I can't help but wonder.
"He's always been business driven and hard around the edges. I'm afraid it only got worse when the Prince and Princess died," Dad answers for me.
"Quite the opposite from the queen. Queen Lily has always been such a joy to work with. You know I've considered her a friend and I believe she's felt the same about me," Mum adds.
"Jude spoke with her tonight. I witnessed the exchange, and she agrees with Jude where you're concerned."
"Yes. I am afraid Queen Lily has witnessed firsthand some of my not so good days."
My heart aches in my chest as I think about Mum's Lupus. Looking at her and my dad now, I can really see how time and stress has taken its toll.
"Maybe it really is time you take a step back. Both of you. Who knows, maybe you'll have some grandchildren you can look after in the future."
"Oh, honey. Enjoy the honeymoon first. You're so young. You've got your whole life for babies," Mum says.
"That's it, isn't it? That's the reason for this wedding," Dad smacks the tops of his thighs. "King Julius, is he retiring, or the bastard is ill?"