Page 13 of Royally Scr*wed
“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get your parents here, sooner. Though that will change today. I could have sent you to them, but I’m afraid I selfishly want you here with me.”
This time I’m the one who sighs. “It’s okay. Being able to talk with them briefly helped. I’d never be able to forgive myself if they were harmed because ofmyselfishness. Besides,you’remy priority right now.”
He says nothing more but plucks a piece of fruit off of the tray and feeds it to me. I’m about to return the gesture when a frantic knock on the door startles both of us.
“Your Highness!” Nigel calls out.
“You may enter,” Jude answers, gently scooting me off his lap and standing to address his current watch dog.
The look on Nigel’s face has me bracing for the worst before the words even leave his mouth.
“Your presence is needed at the king’s bedside.”
Jude nods and moves quickly to hand me a robe that’s hanging nearby. “Put this on,” he says, slipping on his own.
Thank goodness I’ve got pajamas on. I can only imagine the looks we’d get if Nigel had walked in on me in my birthday suit. My current appearance is bad enough.
With Jude’s hand in mine we race to the stairwell and down two flights of steps to the medical floor, forgoing even waiting for the elevators.
An eerie calm floats in the air until we hear the softest sob echo into the hall.
Jude quickens his pace, nearly dragging me behind him as he slides into his grandfather’s room. He skids to an abrupt stop at the foot of the king’s hospital bed sending me slamming into is back.
“Fuck,” is all he hisses as I move around to his side to see what’s going on.
Jude’s grandmother looks up with tears in her eyes and gives him a silent nod. He grips the foot of his grandfather’s hospital bed so tightly that I can see the white of his knuckles. His head falls and his body trembles.
“NO!” Willow screams, entering the room with her lady-in-waiting. “No! NO! Noooo!” She flings herself onto her grandfather’s lifeless body. “No. Papa. No.”
My heart shatters in a million pieces for thefamilyI love. For the little girl who’s just lost the man who raised her. For the man beside me who’s lost so much already in this lifetime. For the fragile looking queen who whimpers at her husband’s bedside. For the woman who just lost the love of her life, her partner, the only man she’s ever loved.
Feeling out of place and out of sorts, I do the only thing I can think of and wrap my arms around Jude – holding on tightly in solidarity and support.
Time stands still for what feels like forever until Jude lifts his head and clears his throat.
Willow’s sobs soften.
The queen sits up straighter in her chair.
An emotionless mask slides into place on Judd’s face. The only sign of heartache is found in his red-rimmed eyes.
Queen Lily stoically nods her head and whispers, “it’s time.”
King Julius’s Press Secretary, Aldrich Alvin, enters the room on cue.
“Aldrich,the castle walls have fallen. Please notify the Prime Minister,” Jude commands.
Aldrich swallows hard and gives a firm nod. “Yes, Your. . . Majesty.” And with that he disappears.
“Nan,” Jude looks to his grandmother, “I need to speak with Ozzy and the security team.”
Queen Lily stands and takes Jude’s hands. “Cast on to you is a great power now, Jude.”
The power has already shifted. I can nearly feel the change in my soul.
He says nothing in return but gives a small shake of his head then Jude reaches for my hand as he leaves the room.
Ozzy is waiting in the hallway dressed in his usual suit looking somber and like he was never even shot – minus the sling on his arm.