Page 19 of Royally Scr*wed
“It’s good to see you, too. I’m sure we’ll have some time to catch up later, but right now Queen Lily needs your attention,” she says through tears. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, too.”
My mum lets me go. “Go on. We’ll talk after,” she says, still carrying out her duty to Queen Lily.
“I had hoped that your grandfather would be the one to deliver this news long before now,” Queen Lily begins. “In his absence it is my duty to inform both of you that by duty and decree, and in accordance with the late King Julius, Sr.’s wishes, as your wife – Charlotte Summer Wilson will be named Queen Consort. It’s all right here,” she hands over the file.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I’m being named what?”
Jude looks just as confused as I do. “Queen Consort. Officially.”
“How? King Julius, Sr. was not in favor of our marriage,” I wonder out loud.
“Sweet child, I believe that it is far more complicated than that. This decision was made long before Julius asked for your hand in marriage. It was important to Julius, because it was important to me.Wewanted the spouse of whomever ascended the throne, to have a role of his or her own. The same as Julius Sr.’s father granted unto me.”
“Tomorrow, at the proclamation, we will formally announce your title to the people of Herefirth,” Julius adds.
This doesn’t quite feel like a fairytale, but…I’m about to become a queen.
The room spins around me. “Oh my,” I try to take a deep breath.
“Charlie, are you okay?” Jude asks.
“I’m. It’s…I’m…feeling a little…overwhelmed,” I squeak.
He has the sense to fight back a grin, “What did you expect would happen?”
“I don’t know! I expected to be Princess Charlie for a while. Prove that I’m worthy of being Queen, or something.”
“Oh Charlie, you’re more than worthy, my dear. And don’t you dare let anyone tell you otherwise,” Queen Lily tells me.
“Your Majesty, I appreciate that.”
“It’s just Lily or Nan if you’d like. You know, whenever no one else is around. We’re family now, my love,” she says, reaching over to squeeze my hand. “I should let you to get on with it,” she takes a shaky breath. “I have funeral plans to oversee.”
Jude and I both rise when Queen Lily stands.
“Nan. Beforeyougo. Nigel has been assigned to your personal protection. As you’re aware, we need to stick to close quarters until we sort through things.”
“And my usual detail?”
“Will also be nearby when they’re not under assignment,” Jude adds.
“Very well. I expect that you will keep your ol’ Nan in the loop, young man. You may be the King now, but I can still take you over my knee if you get out of line.”
Jude gives her a sad smile. “I’d expect nothing less.”
“Nigel,” Queen Lily calls out, “to my office. I’ve got things to do.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Nigel bows his head and extends his arm. “After you.”
The minute she’s out of the room I turn and look at Jude. “Did you know about this?”
“Honestly? No. I mean, I suspected that it was possible but according to Herefirth tradition the reigning king decides if his successors spouse will be King or Queen Consort and declares it publicly once the crown prince or princess is married. So, while I may have just assumed that you being Queen Consort was the case…”
“This…honor… may not have been meant for me. It just defaulted.” I vocalize my doubts about the situation.
“I still wouldn’t say that Charlie. The truth is, I have no clue what my grandfather was thinking leading up to our wedding other that what he said to us. And I don’t care. Just like Nan said – you are worthy. And I think you’ll make an amazing Queen Consort.”