Page 21 of Royally Scr*wed
“If anything, this might draw Sebastian and Anderson out of the woodwork and allow us to arrest them,” John adds on.
Nigel shakes his head in agreement. “Oscar, you have my word that we are all prepared for any and all scenarios today.”
“You all better damn well hope so. There are only so many viable candidates to protect the monarchy and everyone’s ass is on the line,” Ozzy warns everyone in the room.
“Why don’t we go over everyone’s assignments and the security measures for today?” I suggest to ease both of our minds.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Stephan replies and fires up his tablet, setting it in the middle of the conference table for all of us to see.
Each man walks us through a step-by-step outline of where their team of men will be located and the parameters in place – as well as any back up plans…just in case.
By the time they’ve finished, I’m only mildly relieved while Ozzy is still less than convinced even if their plans are solid.
“All comms are set and in working order. We’ll all be in constant contact with one another. Should even the smallest concerns arrive, all teams will be notified and will act accordingly,” James assures us.
“You’re all confident that we have the manpower to handle this?” Ozzy questions.
Stephan shakes his head. “We’ve also called in the military to assist as backup with the crowd in the courtyard and we’ve only gifted admittance to a few hundred. Nothing we cannot handle.”
“You all have been granted my permission to neutralize the threat by any means necessary. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” they all respond in unison.
“Very well. If you’ll excuse me, I’m afraid I’ve got a few other pressing matters to handle before things get underway.” I excuse myself after shaking each of their hands.
As we step out into the hallway, Ozzy looks to me and grunts. “Jude, I’ve got a gut feeling about this. I’m telling you something is off.”
“Do you see a flaw in any of their plans?”
We continue walking to the private kitchen where we both know AgnesandCharlie are waiting for us.
“No. I don’t. Not off the top of my head. But I think we’re missing something. Like I said, Anderson and Sebastian didn’t just disappear. They’re here. They’re lurking somewhere. I trust neither of them.”
“I don’t trust them either, Ozzy. You heard John, perhaps this will bring them out of the woodwork so we can catch the bastards.”
“I’m glad one of us believes that,” he grumbles again.
“What else would you like me to do? I can’t call this off and there are rules about who must be present when the proclamation takes place. I’m doing my damn job and trusting you’ll do yours.”
“It’s not how I do my job that I’m worried about.”
“Still fretting over today,” Agnes says hint of laughter in her voice the minute we walk in the kitchen.
“You know he is, Agnes,” I tell her before giving her a friendly hug then turning my attention to my wife who greets me with a kiss.
Charlie hands me a cup hot cup of tea. “I’m team Ozzy on this one. I don’t understand why we can’t put this on hold for a few more days until those bastards are caught and we have more answers.”
“Oh dear, don’t let Ozzy get you all worked up. There are enough armed guards in this place that I don’t even think another army could take them down. As for putting things on hold, I’m afraid this is simply how the monarchy runs. It’s nonstop and we must have a leader, otherwise chaos is bound to erupt.”
Leave it to Agnes to truly put things into perspective.
Ozzy lifts his teacup in agreement. “All it would take is a vote from the Prime Minister and Parliament to delay the proclamation. If we can wait months on a coronation, surely this can wait a week or so.”
“That’s enough. The show must go on, and you two need to eat. Put some food in your mouths and hush. I’m sure we’ll have time to debate another topic once this is all over,” Agnes scolds, handing both of us a plate of eggs and bacon.
“Eat up, boys. It’s going to be a big day,” Charlie winks and takes a bite of her own food.
After we finish eating, Charlie and I head back to the south wing to get ready. But first we need to make a pit stop a few doors down the hall.