Page 30 of Royally Scr*wed
That’s enough to make him thrust inside me, hard. But then he waits. “You want me to fuck you?”
“Yes. Please.”
“Where Charlie? Talk to me. Tell me what you want.”
“Everywhere. Okay? I want to feel your hard cock inside me. I want you to own me, Jude. Show me exactly what it is I do to you. Fuck me until you come in my pussy.” I shout with a wince, shocked that those words just came out of my mouth.
Jude rewards me by repositioning my hips and giving into my request. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he says with a grunt before he slips two fingers past my lips.
I lick his fingers, still tasting myself on them.
“I love your dirty little mouth. The way you sucked my cock then made me come so hard,” he pants. “You don’t even realize how goddamn sexy you are.”
“Oh, God.”
“I want you to come again for me Charlie. Come on my cock so I can blow my load inside you.”
“I…” I don’t know what I was about to say because Jude’s thumb finds my clit and rubs circles around it in just the right way.
I can already feel the heat building.
“You want to come, don’t you?”
“Yes. Yes, Jude. I want to come on your cock.”
He smiles like he’s just won some kind of prize. “Good girl,” he winks. “Let go Charlie. Give me everything you’ve got.”
Like some kind of voodoo dick magic, I do. And then he’s right there with me all over again. The satisfied growl he makes in my ear only prolongs my pleasure.
“Goddamn,” he pants, slowly withdrawing from inside me. “You’re fucking incredible, Charlie.”
Somehow we eventually find our way under the blankets and manage to drift off to sleep but not before he takes me one more time while we’re cuddled together.
When sleep finally overtakes me, it’s with Jude’s arms wrapped around me and his heart beating against mine.
Even half asleep, I immediately notice the cool draft that blows through my bedchamber. I can almost feel an intruder among us.
Doing my best to keep my breathing steady and my eyes closed, I listen intently. Calculating each movement from the one who dares to step foot inside my private quarters uninvited. Then I hear it, the telltale confirmation that someone is indeed nearby in the form of that trusty squeaky floorboard mere paces from the foot of my bed.
Protected by a cloak of darkness I do my best to discretely reach between the headboard and mattress to secureold faithful– a Colt 1911 that has never been far from my side.
Charlie lets out a tiny snore beside me and readjusts.
Our intruder pauses, no doubt waiting to see if either of us is about to awake.
Stealthy footprints tiptoe closer untilwhomeveris close enough that I can hear his unsteady breath. He’s nervous.Good. He should be.Moving quickly and with great precision, I roll over in the direction of the dark shadow hovering near me.
“Do not move,” I command with my gun leveled at center mass.
“Jude,” Charlie’s groggy voice responds, at the same time that I hear the hammer drop on my foe’s weapon.
I guess he’s got no intention of following my instructions and I shall take no chances. I’ve got less than a split second to stop whoever this is that wants us dead. Lucky for me, I’ve always kept up with my former military training with a whole lot of help from Ozzy. Whoever thinks they’re about to get one up on me, is sorely mistaken.
The loud pop echoes through the room followed by a grunt and Charlie’s terrified scream.