Page 2 of Covert Affair
They don’t need to know that Grady and I tried the dating thing—nor do they need to know that it failed, epically. In fact, I haven’t dared to get involved with anyone since then. I never wanted to be subject to rumors or be accused of sleeping my way to the top.
But, I still have to play along somewhat. Keep people talking, as Jane says.
“We were watching rehearsals earlier and the chemistry on stage between the two of you is something to be seen. I mean, wow. My friends don’t look at me like that,” Alex pushes.
“Of course they don’t, Alex. None of your friends are as pretty as Miss Stacey Mae either,” Alex’s co-host, Charlotte, finally chimes in.
I mouth a silent ‘thank you’ to Charlotte and turn my attention back to Alex, “You know what they say, we’re entertainers. We have to put on a good show, right?”
Before this can keep up, the next person steps into the booth and the radio producer signals that our interview time is up.
“There you have it, listeners. Grady and Stacey both still denying the fairytale romance we’ve been waiting on. Our time is up with Miss Stacey Mae. Tune in tomorrow night to see her performance with Grady.”
“Thank y’all for having me,” I say before slipping off the headset and handing it back to the producers.
That’s my last interview for the day. I shoot off a text to my driver and head for the exit.
Once I’m safely tucked into the car and heading back to my hotel, I dial my publicist's number.
Jane answers on the first ring. “Hey Stace, having fun yet?”
“If you consider being hounded by the press about things between Grady and me, a good time, then yes, I’m having a blast.”
“I’m sure you’re handling it wonderfully,” she sighs. No doubt she’s as equally as frustrated from dodging all the rumors.
“Tell me again why you couldn’t come with me this time?”
Jane’s traveled nearly everywhere with me for the last three years. Every award show, every performance, on tour, you name it. This is the first awards show that she’s missing out on and I’ve had to face the vultures on my own. Thankfully, I’m more like an old pro these days.
“I’d rather be there than on bedrest, but anything to keep this baby cooking for a few more weeks.”
Two weeks ago, Jane’s doctors put her on bedrest for minor complications with her first pregnancy. She calls me nearly every day to tell me how much she hates being stuck in bed and how annoying it is to have her husband treat her like she’s glass and about to break.
“I know you would, and I’m sorry. I’m acting like a bratty child.”
“Far from it. There’s a reason why you’re my only client. I don’t do well with diva celebrities,” Jane laughs.
“Yeah, well. If you listened to the press, you would have fired me a long time ago.”
It’s no secret that while I have plenty of loyal fans, I have my fair share of haters too. Mostly thanks to a rumor from an old record exec who was pissed I wouldn’t sleep with him to land a recording contract.
“Hey, none of that nonsense. We’ve been through thick and thin together. I know the real you,” Jane assures me. “Anyway, switching gears. Carey and her team should be at your hotel tomorrow morning at nine. I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner catered by the hotel. Your limo arrives at five o’clock sharp and your date for the evening is Cody Davenport.”
“Mind telling me why I’m taking a bodyguard as a date?”
Between the rumors about Grady, and Jane suddenly not being able to make it, I planned to fly solo. Jane had other ideas and insisted I let her find a suitable fill in.
“It’s a big event. We wanted to keep things as low key as possible on the rumor mill and kill two or three birds with one stone. Don’t worry, Grady’s bringing arm candy too,” Jane fills me in.
“But we’re still seated next to each other.”
This whole thing might be a lot easier if the press would just let us be.
“Correct. Grady has instructions that he is to sit next to Cody or put his date between you and him.”
Great. Something tells me that I’ll be stuck next to some blonde bimbo all night. “And no one is going to notice Cody as part of my security team? Are any of the other guys coming along?”
“Do you know who Cody is? Have you seen him around?” Jane asks.