Page 27 of Covert Affair
“What?! What did I do exactly?”
Officer Falco sighs at the same time that I catch on to what Cody is yelling about. “This is fucking bullshit, Smitty. You know it and I know it.”
“Mister Ellison claims you attacked him and that he was merely defending himself. You’ll have to come with us until the morning and meet with a judge,” Smitty informs me. “Mister Ellison is pressing charges.”
“I knew it. I fucking knew he was going to pull a stunt like this.” Tears stream down my face. He’ll keep coming for me until I back down or he destroys me completely.
“Let me bring her in, that way we can keep it under wraps,” Cody tries negotiating.
“I can’t do that. Friends or not, I have to play this by the book for her sake. You know that and I know that.”
“Listen to them, Cody. Let them do their job and you can sort this all out once the sun’s up,” Stefan tries reasoning with Cody.
“It’s fine, Cody. Let’s just get this over with.” I hold my hands out. There’s no use in trying to fight this right now.
Addison frowns and pulls out her handcuffs.
“Seriously? You’re going to cuff her? This is bullshit.” Cody protests.
Smitty spins around and squares up with him. “If you can’t reign it in, I’ll cuff your ass and you can take a ride down to county lock up with him, too.”
In any other situation the two of them toe to toe would be both comical and hot. But right now, it’s terrifying on top of everything else.
“I’m sorry about this,” Addison apologizes then proceeds to read my Miranda Rights.
I should have known better. Maybe in the long run I should have never called Cody at all.
If I had just kept quiet. Covered the bruises and pretended it never happened. Maybe I could have figured out a way to get away from Waylon quietly.
“Wait,” Cody steps in front of me and places a strong hand on my shoulder. “Look at me. I’ll figure this out,” he promises as they escort me out of the hotel.
“Call Simon Gagnon in Nashville, Tennessee. He’s my lawyer,” I tell Cody as I’m escorted out of the hotel.
I’ve got no doubt that I’ll be making tomorrow’s headlines and it won’t be because of a sold out concert.
I can still hear Cody and Smitty arguing behind me as Addison tucks me into the back of her squad car.
If my grandparents could see me now. I only ever wanted a love like theirs. Instead I’m spending the night in jail thanks to a dickhead who wouldn’t know the first thing about love or being partners.
* * *
Country Music’s Sweetheart, Is Not So Innocent.
Singer Stacey Mae Arrested Amid Rumors of Violent Behaviors.
Hotel Clerk Reports Witnessing Lover’s Quarrel.
And those are just the top three headlines linked to my name by the time Cody’s posted my bail and picked me up from booking the next morning.
How Cody somehow managed to get me out without being surrounded by paparazzi is a small miracle.
“You have to stay in town for a few days, until this is all cleared up,” he says, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel of his truck. It’s the first thing he’s said to me since we got in the truck. “Of course, I’m sure they already told you that.”
“Yeah,” I let out a sigh and pick at a piece of invisible lint on my shirt. The same shirt I’ve been wearing since I got off stage last night. “Have you talked to Jane yet? I should probably give her a call.”
“Oh, I’ve talked to her. Along with half a dozen calls with your lawyer who threatened me with a lawsuit if I spoke about anything that I may have seen or heard.”
I wince and immediately apologize. Of course Simon would threaten a lawsuit, but he’s barking up the wrong tree. I know Cody would never say a word to anyone that didn’t need to know.