Page 37 of Covert Affair
“Any new news from Jane or your lawyer?”
“Not really. Jane’s up to her eyeballs trying to do damage control. Grady called me to check in and offer his support. He offered me a place to stay when I do come back to town. Says that not everyone in Nashville buys the story Waylon’s people are trying to sell. He talked to his record label and they want me to come in for a meeting. Looks like they might be willing to deal with a convict like me.”
I can’t fight the laugh that tumbles out of my mouth. “Convict? Really, Stacey? You’re hardly a convict.”
“Not according to the news,” she points out.
I’ve seen more than my fair share of what the tabloids are reporting. Nothing but rumors and lies.
“Fuck the news. Does Jane think you should make a public statement? I’m sure we could set something up.”
“No. Not yet anyway,” Stacey shrugs. “I’m not sure I’m ready to admit all the vile things I let him get away with anyway.”
“Not going to lie, everytime I see those bruises on your skin, I want to hunt him down and murder him.” After I kiss those bruises away.
“Stand in line,” she says back to me while unconsciously touching the bruise on her face.
Once more we fall into a comfortable silence while we both finish off our late lunch, then I clean up the little bit of mess.
“I could have cleaned up.”
“I got it,” I shrug, washing the two plates and stacking them on the dish rack. “I need to go into the office for a bit. I figured you could come with me.”
No way in hell I’m leaving her here alone. Her ex might be in jail but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have someone on the outside keeping tabs on her.
“I can stay here. I should probably make arrangements to get back to Nashville anyway.”
“Cody. I’m perfectly capable of being alone for a little bit. I’m not a child.”
“I know you’re not a child, but maybe it would make me feel better if you came with me. Molly’s in the office which also means my adorable niece Heidi will be there. Trust me when I tell you, you’ve got to meet her.”
“Fine. But only because I’d like to thank Molly in person for sending over all those clothes and things.”
“Great. I’ll be ready in five.” For a split second I almost lean in to kiss the top of her forehead but I stop myself. That urge came out of nowhere and nearly knocks me off my feet. Instead, I manage to shake it off and head back down the hall to grab my laptop and cell phone.
Cody holdsthe door open and guides me inside Cole Security with his hand on the small of my back. There’s a gorgeous brunette sitting behind the reception desk bouncing a toddler in her lap and the minute the toddler sees Cody she absolutely loses her mind.
“Unk Co-eeeeeee!” The little one who must certainly be Heidi squeals and wiggles out of her mom's arms just in time for Cody to swoop around the desk and scoop her up into his arms.
“Ah, there’s my little princess,” he says and tickles her belly causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles with a smile so big stretched across her face.
It’s clear this little one thinks her uncle hung the moon.
“Is the boss in?” he jokes with who I assume is Molly while kissing all over Heidi.
“You know I am, asshole!” Cole’s voice echoes from the office to our right.
“I need to go smack some sense into your daddy,” he says, trying to hand Heidi back over to Molly. The toddler is having none of it. “Hey. I’ll be right back. It’s big boy business. Hang out with Momma and my friend, Miss Stacey.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a package of baby fruit snacks that I didn’t even know he had on him. “You can have these while I’m talking to Daddy.”
Heidi’s eyes light up and she takes the little snack pack from his hand before settling onto her mom’s lap.
“Mols, this is Stacey. Stace, Mols,” he says, looking back and forth between us. “Try not to talk about me while I’m gone,” he winks then turns his attention directly to me. “I shouldn’t be long. If you’re nice, Heidi might share a fruit snack with you.”