Page 24 of A Love Bite
“Opal, before I go, I wanted to ask you if you remember anything else about what happened. Anything at all could be helpful.”
She takes a deep breath, her expression turning serious. “I’ve been trying to piece it together. I didn’t see much, but there were a few things I overheard.”
I lean in, encouraging her to continue. “What did you hear?”
“There were two voices,” she begins, her brow furrowing in concentration. “One of them was giving orders, and the other seemed to be following instructions. They mentioned something about ‘the target’ and ‘timing.’ It sounded like they had a plan, but I couldn’t make out much more.”
“Did they say anything specific about you?” I ask gently. “Why they took you?”
Opal shakes her head, frustration evident on her face. “No, they didn’t mention my name or give any indication why they grabbed me. It’s like I was just… in the wrong place at the wrong time, but they did say something about needing to ‘send a message.’ I don’t know what that means.”
I nod, absorbing the information. “Did you recognize the voices at all? Anything familiar about them?”
She closes her eyes for a moment, thinking hard. “No, I didn’t recognize them, but one of them had an accent, like maybe Eastern European or something. It was faint, but it stood out to me.”
I jot down these details in my mind, trying to piece together the puzzle. “That’s really helpful, Opal. We’ll figure this out. And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re safe.”
Opal looks at me with gratitude. “Thanks, Alex. It’s just so scary not knowing why this happened, but having you here makes it easier to deal with.”
I give her a comforting smile. “We’re in this together. I’ll keep digging and see what I can find out. Just take it easy and try to rest.”
She nods, visibly more relaxed. “I will. Thanks, Alex.”
As I stand to leave, I give her a hug, feeling her relief and gratitude. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay,” she says, hugging me back. “Be careful out there.”
I step out of her apartment with a renewed sense of purpose. Today is about supporting my friend, but tonight is about exploring something new and exciting with Jake. It’s a balance I’m ready to embrace, and with each step, I feel more confident in the path ahead.
Sleepingnext to Alex is both a comfort and a torment. My wolf instincts are in overdrive, urging me to bite her, to claim her as my mate. The urge is almost overwhelming, a primal force that I struggle to keep in check. Every moment spent next to her, feeling her warmth, hearing her soft breathing, only intensifies the desire.
I know I can’t do it. Not now, not like this. She doesn’t know about my true nature or about what it means to be my mate. I can’t spring this on her without her understanding and consent. The thought of her reaction, of possibly scaring her away, is unbearable.
As much as it pains me, I decide I need to leave. I carefully slip out of bed, making sure not to wake her. She stirs slightly but doesn’t wake, and I take a moment to look at her peaceful face, memorizing the sight.
I find some paper and a pen on her coffee table and quickly scribble a note. I place the note where she’ll easily find it, then quietly gather my things and head out. The cool night air hits me as I step outside, a stark contrast to the warmth of Alex’s apartment. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil inside me.
As I walk to my place, I can feel my wolf still restless, still yearning for the bond, but I know I did the right thing. Alex deserves to know the truth about me and to make her own choice.
Once I get home, I try to settle down, but sleep doesn’t come easily. My thoughts are filled with Alex, and the anticipation of seeing her again tonight. I need to find a way to balance my instincts with the reality of our situation.
As the daywears on and I try to prepare for my date with Alex, a knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. I open it to find Eric standing there, his expression serious and a hint of urgency in his eyes.
“Eric, what’s going on?” I ask, stepping aside to let him in.
Eric steps inside, running a hand through his hair. “Jake, things are getting crazy. Cory got attacked last night.”
My heart skips a beat, worry flooding through me. “Is he okay? Was it like the others?”
“He’s hurt, but he’ll be all right. No poison this time, thankfully,” Eric replies, his expression grim. “But this is escalating. We can’t keep pretending everything’s normal.”
I nod, feeling a mix of frustration and concern. “Do we know who did it?”
“Not for sure,” Eric says, pacing the room. “But it’s the same pattern. We’re pretty sure it’s the rival pack trying to stir up trouble.”