Page 46 of Tarnished Crown
I clamped my mouth shut.What a ridiculous, inconsequential thing to give us away.No one but our parents had ever even noticed the subtle similarity, the unremarkable lips that were slightly bowed on top and fuller on the bottom, just like Da’s and Uncle Oli’s.
“You know,” he continued when I didn’t respond. “I’m less offended than I am impressed. I didn’t know you had that kind of conniving in you, though I did wonder what compelled someone as contrary as you are to bother to stand in front of the Summit and even keep your mouth shut for as long as you did. If they were holding your cousin over your head, however...”
I didn’t deny it, and he scoffed. “Iiro is even better than I gave him credit for. And these are the people you want to go back to? Are you certain? The same ones who wanted you to be, what was it Iiro said,amicable and accommodating?”
I had nearly forgotten that Iiro said that in front of Evander at one of the many horrid dances.
I tilted my head, peering at him with mock confusion. “As opposed to the one who took away my future, my only family here, my fiancé, and claimed me as his pet? Yes, I’m quite certain.”
Evander only shrugged. “If you say so, Lemmikki.”
Shaking my head, I stalked back into the negotiations tent and planted my forehead firmly against Theo’s chest.
He wrapped his arms around me, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.
“Tell me now, Rowan.” He took a deep breath through his nose, his entire body rigid with whatever was bothering him. “Are you being treated--?”
I pulled back abruptly.
“He isn’t hurting me, Theo.” I made sure to meet his gaze. “I promise. He wouldn’t do that.”
His eyes narrowed slightly in what I could only assume was suspicion.
“What is it between you two?” I asked quietly.
He looked between me and Davin with a sigh. “It’s...complicated. He wanted me to keep a secret from Iiro, and that wasn’t something I could do.”
Knowing Theo’s loyalty to his brother, I wasn’t surprised that he wouldn’t keep a secret from him, but I was a bit taken aback that something like that had led to the level of animosity they had now.
Then again, he had said it was complicated, and now was clearly not the time or place for that story. A beat of silence went by before my cousin spoke up.
“Well, at least we can all agree that this is going splendidly.” Davin’s sarcastic tone made me smile, in spite of myself.
“Absolutely. I couldn’t imagine a more agreeable negotiation,” I said, turning to face him.
“I daresay this might even be the beginning of a true friendship betwixt the clans.” He nodded enthusiastically. “They should honestly be thanking us.”
“Indeed. Indeed.” I laughed.
Theo smiled, and I gave his bicep a little squeeze.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Davin raised his eyebrows. “I wasn’t sure there was a personality underneath all that muscle, Theodore. It’s nice to see that my cousin brings out something other than the brooding in you.”
Theo let out a long sigh before turning to me. “I’ll give you a moment with Davin while I take care of a few things.”
“All right.” I nodded, dropping my hand from his arm as he left the tent. “I’ll come find you later.”
Davin groaned as soon as he left. “Don’t make me go back with him, Row. He’s so...moral andnobleall the time. It’s boring.”
“Sorry, Cousin, but you have to.” I smiled wanly.
Davin’s usually solidly carefree mask slipped to reveal concern, but I cut him off before he could argue with me.
“You are free while you are in Elk, Davin. And you’re safe. I can’t risk you coming with me, if Iiro would even agree to it.”
“Before, when you said he wasn’t hurting you...” He scrutinized my features. “You have heard the rumors, haven’t you? The guards say he’s slaughtered entire villages at his father’s whims.”
I swallowed, in spite of myself. Evander hadn’t hurt me, and didn’t seem inclined to, but I would be lying if I pretended not to notice the brutality behind his eyes, the way he could bring it out and put it away at will.