Page 20 of Crimson Kingdom
They were pure murder, glinting like the edge of a well-sharpened blade. Then he blinked, and the expression was gone so quickly, I wondered if I had imagined it in the first place.
We had been trying to convince the court not to be afraid of Socair. I was fairly certain that Evander was undoing every single one of those strides as he swept down the stairs with predatorial grace, his perfectly chiseled features displaying all the emotion of the marble statues in the courtyard.
Instead of going to greet my parents, he crossed the room directly to me, following the invisible tether that always seemed to exist between us.
His silvery gaze fixed onto mine as he drew closer, brewing with something infuriatingly close to contempt.
Theo’s grip tightened around me. “Der’mo.”
His muttered curse pulled me from whatever trance had overtaken me.
Moving out of Theo’s arms, I straightened to my full, albeit insubstantial, height as Evander came to a stop within a few feet of me.
“Lord Evander,” Theo’s tone was neutral as he dipped his chin in greeting. “Your presence tonight is...unexpected.”
But of course, Evander ignored him entirely, his eyes never leaving mine.
He gave a shallow bow, and I automatically sank into a curtsy, though my rapidly weakening knees protested the movement.
“Lord Evander.” My voice sounded far away in my own head. “Welcome to Castle Chridhe.”
It was surreal, the way we greeted each other like strangers, like I hadn’t spent weeks in his room, in his shirt,in his bed.
“Thank you, Princess Rowan.” Derision edged his tone, and I felt my features harden in response.
Turning, I led the way to my parents and sister. Theo’s hand remained on my lower back, but it wasn’t half as steadying as I wished it was.
My father kept a tight leash on his fury at seeing Evander, but his emerald eyes burned, and his jaw was clenched. My mother and Avani were perfectly polite, though, eyeing him with interest after the stories they had no doubt heard.
Theo’s arm tightened around me, and for once, I couldn’t feel the warmth seeping into my limbs. They remained frozen.Ice.
Then a different hand appeared in front of me.
“I believe as a visiting dignitary, it’s my right to request the next dance.” Evander’s tone was bland, and I narrowed my eyes, not moving.
Avani eyed us both before stepping forward, ready to take my place...but people were watching, and we couldn’t afford for this to become a scene. At least, that’s what I told myself when I nodded, placing my hand in his.
Lightning shot up my arm. I forced myself to hold his gaze, forced my features into something close to the same detached expression he held.
From the corner of my eye, I watched as my sister stepped in to dance with Theo, absurdly grateful to her for smoothing things over. I watched my parents each agree to a dance partner next.
I watched literally anything to avoid looking at Evander’s face for as long as I possibly could. And while I examined the room, Evander examined me.
His cool analysis rankled at me until finally, I turned my attention to him.
“We were expecting Lord Taras.” It was the politest way I could ask,What in the stars-damned hell are you doing here?
“He had things to take care of in Bear.” Evander’s voice was perfectly aloof, his touch impersonal as he placed his other hand on my waist.
Which was something I also felt very nonchalant about. Even as my body responded to every point of contact between us. Even as my breathing hitched.
It was fine.
I was…fine.
The music started up, a reminder for me to wrench my gaze from the tight line of his mouth, so at odds with the expression I had gotten used to seeing there.
“So you came all this way yourself, for mere trade agreements?” I prodded, hoping he attributed my breathlessness to the spirited moves of the dance.