Page 30 of Crimson Kingdom
“Iiro made plenty of mistakes, but last I checked, he didn’t have her tortured and humiliated, stripped half bare and bleeding in front of his entire regiment.” Theo’s voice was more heated than I had ever heard it, and I realized he had surmised quite a bit just from the knowledge that it was a public flogging.
More than that, he had clearly thought about it, even agonized over it.
My father’s fists clenched on the table, and my mother sucked in a breath.
I had been in so much pain that day, I hadn’t really considered what the tattered remains of my clothing indicated, but now... The blood drained from my face, visceral memories hitting me like I was back in one of my nightmares.
Ava’s merciless smile.
The crack of a whip.
Blinding, agonizing pain.
And through it all, the pervasive, profoundfeeling of being weak. Helpless. Powerless.
I fought for composure, a battle I was surprised to see Evander losing for a change.
His face had gone flat with a rare display of rage.
At the memory? Or because Theo brought it up?
Several uncomfortable minutes ticked by in silence while I avoided looking at anyone directly, still focusing on getting my trembling fingers under control.
“It’s safe to say there is risk on either side,” Uncle Oli boldly said, cutting through the tension.
“Clan wives are protected,” Evander said in an even tone, his anger locked tightly away again. “That’s true no matter who she chooses... But if the princess’s safety is a concern, she is welcome to stay in Lochlann.”
I studied his features. “You want to marry me, but you don’t care if I stay here, in Lochlann, while you reside in Socair?”
My stomach was hollow for reasons I refused to think too hard about.
“You would need to come for the wedding, of course, but after that?” Evander gave another infuriating shrug. “It hardly makes a difference to the alliance. As far as I’m concerned, your life is your own.”
“What a novel concept,” I muttered.
He looked like he knew exactly how hard I was fighting not to hurl his words from last night back in his face.Did you forget that I own you, Lemmikki?
But then Da’ would actually murder him, and there would be nothing peaceful about that.
“I suppose then you would get everything you want.” The benefits of a wife without actually having to make room in his life for one.
The benefits of an alliance with Lochlann without actually having to be withme.
“I wouldn’t go right towant.” His lips twitched into a smirk at the echo of his words the first time he had asked me to dance. “But sacrifices must be made.”
“Sacrifices.” I echoed the word in a bitter whisper.
Theo shifted, reminding me of his presence, and I shook my head.
“That’s very noble of you.” My tone was stronger now. “But entirely unnecessary as we’re supposed to be discussing stipulations for me to marry Theo, not a counterproposal.”
“Thatismy stipulation.” Evander’s silvery gaze bored into mine. “That we discuss the merits of an alliance between Bear and Lochlann for the sake of both our people, that you give it genuine consideration. In return, I will give genuine consideration to granting my permission for you to marry Korhonan, in the event that you decide against an alliance with Bear.”
I wanted to refuse outright, but every member of the council had a speculative look on their faces. All except for my father, who looked like the only thing he was givinggenuine considerationto was drawing his sword and ending the whole conversation right there.
And I was almost tempted to let him.
I knew, though, just as Evander clearly knew, that I had no choice here but to agree.