Page 107 of Adam & Eve
willing to deal with a little bit of crazy as long as he didn’t get too out of hand.
“Can we talk about this another time?” I changed the subject by straddling him.
“Wha- what are you doing?” he asked as if he didn’t already know.
His dick was already a full participant in my getting him to shut up. I slid down onto it and
made his frown dissipate. His face relaxed, but hardheaded as ever he managed to grit his final words
between his teeth.
“We will talk about this and marri—” I made sure he lost his train of thought when I flexed my
pussy muscle around him. His hand gripped my hips. His nails digging into the meaty flesh. “This
“Shhh. No more talking tonight.”
I use my knees to push myself up then down. I repeated the motion until he no longer looked
interested in talking about anything. His hands found my ass. My eyes lulled shut. He pushed up,
filling me. Suddenly I had the craziest thought: If I had to spend the next eighteen years with a crazy
man, at least it was one with some good sex.
I stared at the screen, mesmerized by the sound of my baby’s heartbeat yet again. It was the
third time hearing it, but each time I was no less awed by the experience. I tried to make out what
each image was as the doctor pointed to where the important stuff like the lungs, heart, spine and
penis were.
“Did you hear that? He said penis. It’s a boy.”.
I was so emotional I could barely get the words out of my mouth or tear my eyes away from
the screen long enough to look at Adam. When I did, I rolled my eyes at him.
Squeezing his hand, I drew his attention from the doctor. “You hear that?” I asked again. “It’s a
“I already knew,” he said.
I frowned at that. There was no need to ask how he knew. He knew everything. I guessed there
was no need to wonder what the baby’s name would be, I thought bitterly. I knew that if I even thought
it would be anything other than Adam Junior, the worst argument would occur.
I lowered my voice then leaned in to whisper, “Stop glaring at the doctor like you want to kill
He forced a smile to his face that looked more like a grimace. “I told you to request a female