Page 113 of Adam & Eve
before he shoved his dick in my mouth.
Bending over him I got ready to do just as I said, watch him bleed to death, but his phone
ringing distracted me. He used it to his advantage. In a last-ditch effort to save his life, he lunged
toward me. Instead of preparing to defend myself, my hands automatically went to my belly. All I
could think about was protecting my baby. Then suddenly I was falling… falling… My head slammed
against the glass coffee table. I had mere seconds to regret not slitting his throat after stabbing him
before everything went black
Standing outside the house I’d shared with Jenny., I reared back and threw what remained of my
pills as hard and as far as I could into the woods. I didn’t need them anymore. Eve had been back
almost two years. My son was strong and healthy, on the verge of walking and anybody who stood in
our way was gone. Thinking about my son made me smile like always. He was the perfect
combination of his mother and I; caramel complexioned with, kinky brown hair.
Sometimes I’d just sit for hours staring at him. In his bright steel gray eyes, I’d catch flashes of
me. I could see he’d inherited more of me than his mother, which was reassuring, I knew if anything
happened to me, he’d do anything to protect her like I did.
She’s going to be mad when she remembers, the voice warned out of the blue
“She won’t. The doctor said the amnesia’s permeant. It’s been over a year, and she hasn’t
remembered a thing from the last ten years,” I answered aloud unafraid to speak to him since I was
Okay, let’s say that’s true, you’re still going to ruin it, and this time it won’t be just her
leaving you. She’ll take your son with her.
“Shut up,” I barked, wishing he would leave me alone, but he was a result of me not taking my
meds. I’d rather live with him than feel like a zombie all the time. “Don’t you think I’ve thought of
that? I know I can control my moods.” Now that I had the family I’d always wanted, it was easier.
“And even if she does remember, she wouldn’t leave.”
Eve interrupted my conversation from a distance. Turning, I found her holding Damon’s hand,
as they made their way toward me.
“Stay there. It’s too dangerous to come back here,” I yelled, and she stopped right away.