Page 33 of Adam & Eve
breath while Adam stood over me. I watched him watching me, waiting for him to pounce. The
predatory gleam in his eyes told me that was what would happen next. The shameful thing was, I
wanted it to happen. I was burning from the inside out.
I groaned inwardly because my ploy had backfired on me. I hadn’t been sleeping when I put
on my little show for him. I thought he’d screw me and then be done with me. I’d had no plans to
enjoy it. I shouldn’t have enjoyed it, but the moment he French kissed my pussy, I was a goner. Was
there something wrong with me?
The knowing smile on his lips let me know he was aware of my satisfaction. That irked me. I
snatched my eyes away from his. I casted them downward as I didn’t want him to see my shame.
However, it was his manhood that drew my attention. His hard dick peeked out at me from behind the
fly of his boxers. I turned away quickly. He chuckled when he caught me staring at it.
He was a cocky bastard. Admittedly, he had a right to be cocky. If I was only judging by the
size of the monster in his boxers and threw in the fact that he made me orgasm harder than ever, he
had the right to be downright arrogant. My pussy quivered at the thought. Yet again, I was unnerved.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you looking at me that way?” I asked.
“Did you allow me to do that because you wanted it or because you thought I’d free you
I turned to lay on my side, trying to will my body to calm as it still hummed from my orgasm.
“Does it matter?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yes, it matters.”
Did I tell the truth or lie? I thought about it for a second. If he was still going to hurt me, then
telling the truth wouldn’t stop him. However, I figured to lie would incite his rage more. I didn’t want
to be on the receiving end of it. I decided to tell the truth.
“If it’ll get me out of here, do with me as you please. You won’t get a fight from me.”
The pout on his face told me he didn’t like my answer. It was weird to see a grown man
pouting. It was strange that pouting had even been a response to my answer.
I adjusted the pillow to see him better. “What? You wanted me to lie?”
“No, but I didn’t think you’d be quite as honest since you lie so often,” he said.
“Excuse me?” I asked, perplexed. “What have I lied to you about?”
“You’ve known this entire time I was there watching, haven’t you?”