Page 49 of Adam & Eve
I shook my head. “See? Look at you, ready to jump on me over something as simple as wetting
my lips. Why don’t we just fuck so I can go home? Don’t make this about more than it is.”
The sound of his hand slamming against the table startled me. “No,” he shouted.
I shot up from my seat, afraid. I tried backing away, but just as fast, he was up, roughly
grabbing my face.
“Look at me.” He didn’t force my head around, but his grip on my jaw tightened until I faced
him willingly. “Don’t you fucking dare venture to tell me what I want. I know what I want, Eve, and
it’s not just to fuck you. From the moment I saw you standing in that courtyard I knew this thing
between us was deeper than sex. You’re mine, the other half of me, and you’ll come to realize it soon
enough or maybe it’ll take years. I don’t care. I’ll wait until you do.” His hold loosened, and his hand
dropped to his sides. He was so angry heat radiated off his body.
I swallowed, and sat down before I fell, I was reeling from the violent grip of fear that had
overtaken me. I also had to get control over the other feeling that had settled in the pit of my stomach.
Adam wanted a reaction out of me, but I wouldn’t give him one. Yes, his grip on my face hurt, but I
would be damn if I relinquished any more control over my person to him.
“You’re so full of shit,” I snapped. “From the moment I saw you,” I mocked his words.
I expected him to become angrier the more I antagonized him, but instead, a lascivious smile
slowly spread across his lips.
“I have a question,” he drawled, his tone bold and sexy.
“What?” I stuttered, taken aback by his sudden change in mood.
“Are you wet?”
His question threw me off even more.
“That’s a really random question, Adam.”
“Answer the question, Eve. I dare you”
“No. I’m not.”
He retook his seat, leaned back in his chair then took hold of his dick that lay long and hard
against his thigh. The thin fabric of his boxers hid nothing. I tried to pretend like I didn’t notice, but
my eyes kept finding their way back to it. He caught my split-second glance then smirked.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Eve. If I reach under the table and find that your pussy isn’t
sopping wet,” he drawled, making his words sound deliciously nasty, “I’ll let you go?”