Page 58 of Adam & Eve
of himself into me, I barely felt the pain that was supposed to accompany losing your virginity. It was
the best feeling ever. He fucked me like he loved me. I needed somebody to love me, and I thought, in
his own way, he did.”
“For a year, we sexed on every surface of her house. Sometimes for hours at a time and never
got caught. It’s really ironic that a quickie on the bathroom sink is what done us in. We were so caught
up in each other, we didn’t hear Rose drive up or the keys as she unlocked the door. How we didn’t
hear her lard ass walking up the squeaky stairs is beyond me.
She hit him first, with the mop that was kept in the bathroom. He fell and hit his head on the
bath tub. It knocked him out cold. I was so scared—not of her— but scared for him. I thought he was
dead. There was so much blood coming from the cut on his head. I bent down naked with his cum
dripping from me, trying to wake him. The first whack from the mop surprised me. The second one
made me mad, madder than I’d ever been. Why was she so angry over a man who wasn’t even hers? I
jumped up ready to beat her ass, but she had the broken mop to keep me from getting to her and she
used it to beat me all over my naked body until I begged her to stop. I remember Dwight getting up
and pushing her off me just before I passed out.
When I woke, I was in the hospital with a concussion, bruised ribs, marked black and blue
and my face swollen. And somehow, she still ended up being the victim. She’d told the police that
I’d attacked her and that Dwight helped me. They believed her. Her bruises were her proof. What
really had happened was that she’d fallen against the door hurting herself when Dwight had pushed
her off me. He’d saved my life. But the word of a foster child and a man with a criminal record
couldn’t stand against that of a law-abiding foster mother who’d taken in over fifty kids into her
home. He went to prison, was sentenced to two years, and I went to a group home. I had been in lot of
jacked up foster homes, but a group home with fifty other broken angry girls was a nightmare.
“Fuck, I didn’t kno—”
She angrily cut me off. “Shut the hell up, Adam. You wanted my story. Shut up and listen. Do
you know what it’s like to go to bed hungry? To barely sleep because if you let your guard down,
anything could happen. Do you know what it’s like to be beaten unconscious to wake up to find the
one good thing in your world is gone? No, you don’t. Your life from birth has been all peaches and
cream. You had access to the best of everything. How in the hell did you turn out so messed up? Then
again most rich people are… Privilege is a hell of a drug.