Page 63 of Adam & Eve
times. I knew he was expecting a response.
I thought about not saying anything at all. I knew that the words that were about to leave my
mouth wouldn’t make my situation any better.
“Destiny is bullshit. There’s no invisible power that controls fate. There’s no higher being that
knows our future. No sky daddy creating women from ribs. No baby in a diaper whispering secrets of
love and happily ever after into our ears. There’s just free will and you used your free will to impose
upon mine, simply because you feel entitled to everything you want, which is typical of your kind.”
He sneered. “My kind?”
“Yes, your kind,” I responded clearly and consciously. “Rich, white and narcissistic. It’s all
very cliché and lazy, and what I’m not going to do is feed into your sense of entitlement by pretending
it’s okay that you brought me here or that I want to be here.”
He stood there with his mouth agape like he was in disbelief. It was as if I often left him that
way, and it would have been funny had the situation been funny.
“You—You...” He sputtered and growled like a deranged animal as he paced erratically.
Then just has suddenly as he’d started, he stopped and took a step toward me. Aggression and
anger radiated from him. His face was enraged, and it looked as if a demonic mask had taken over his
features. I was afraid that he’d come unhinged.
When he took another step in my direction, I hopped off the floor and scurried my naked ass to
the other side of the room, putting the table between us for my safety. You should have kept your
mouth shut, I scolded myself. Even with knowing that I had earned his anger, I refused to apologize
for telling him the truth as I saw it. I would have to deal with the consequences. I prepared myself for
him charging me again, but he didn’t attempt anything.
“You… you…” he stuttered once more.
His face reddened as he shook his head. He looked as if he was struggling to find the right
words to say or was holding them back. He threw his hands into the air, turned abruptly and walked
toward the bathroom. I jumped, damn near out of my skin, when his fist collided with the bathroom
door. He then shoved the door he’d just battered open, stormed inside and slammed it shut behind him
It took me a minute to remember to breathe after that door slammed. Air escaped my mouth in
a whoosh, followed by something akin to nervous laughter. Another minute passed with me standing
there staring at the door until a sense of relief washed over me. He could have easily taken his anger