Page 65 of Adam & Eve
my eyes for something. I gave him nothing. He expected too much from me. I stared blankly at him.
My reluctance to allow him to read me made him try to snatch his hand from me again. I didn’t let
“Don’t be mad. You can’t really expect me to react like I love this situation. I am not here
because I choose to be.”
“But—” he started, but I cut him off before he could go into another one of his “we’re meant
to be” rants.
“No buts. You want too much from me, especially when you’re continuously triggering me
with all your invasive questions and your confessions. It’s hard sharing so much of myself with you.
It’s even harder knowing that you already know so many of my secrets. These are things I never
planned to share with anyone, and you took it upon yourself to learn them.” I paused to give him time
to speak.
He put his head back down instead of responding. Okay, that didn’t go where I wanted it. I
didn’t know why I thought he would give me a response.
I back-pedaled and tried another route. “Adam and Eve… You don't see irony in our names?”
His eyes found mine as he contemplated his answer. “No. No, I don’t. Is this another one of
your games?”
I rolled my eyes before continuing. “Adam and Eve? The people in the Bible?”
“I don’t believe in that bullshit. You’d think a species so obsessed with cocks and cunts, guns
and violence wouldn’t believe in such pious, sanctimonious crap,” he responded indignantly.
“Calm down, Nietzsche. You’re preaching to the choir. I’m not a believer either. We found
something we have in common at least,” I responded.
“We have so much more than that in common, Eve.” His voice dropped an octave. “More than
you know. More than I think you’ll ever be willing to admit.”
I rolled my eyes. “I doubt it.”
“Fine. Doubt me for now. But tell me, Eve, what else do you think we have in common with
this fairytale our names are taken from?”
He wasn’t smiling, but he was no longer looking angry or sad. I took that as a plus. I needed
him back in a good mood.
“You think I’m yours and was made for you. Eve was made from Adam’s rib, to be his